Class 1’s week

In class this week we have been working very hard to practise our assembly. There are lots of things for us to practise, like speaking clearly and loudly, looking at the audience and remembering our words. We are very excited to perform it next Friday at 9.30am and look forward to seeing some of our parents and relatives there.

Gabriel – I will dress up like a snowman. I brought a costume from home.

Jayden – The Olaf dance is fun.

David – I like Elsa.


We have also been busy creating some Egyptian art work for our up coming Art Exhibition. You will find out more details about this next week. We are trying out some different activities based around patterns and shapes and will choose our best piece for the exhibition.

Lewis – I am proud of my necklace patterns.

Joe – I used yellow, blue and purple for my pattern.

Yolie – Necklace is so pretty.

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One thought on “Class 1’s week”

  1. Hi Class 1,

    I am really looking forward to your assembly next week especially the Olaf Dance which I’ve been hearing all about from Miss McDonald. It’s hard working practising, but I know you’ll all do a brilliant job next Friday.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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