All posts by Mrs Mansfield

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 12.3.18

This week we have been completing lots of different Happiness activities as part of our ’30 Days of Happiness’ Challenge.  Here are the bits that have made us smile:

Griffin – “I liked going on our Walk on Wednesday because I scored a goal when we played football”

Rio – “I liked helping the janitor by being Eco-Friendly in the playground”

Regan – “I enjoyed going to the park because got to play fun games”

Cameron – “I liked doing football because the yellow team won the match”

Emily – “I liked doing the karaoke because I really enjoy playing music”

Ellie – “I liked going on a walk because we got to play lots of great games”

Aiden – “I liked going to the park because I enjoyed playing Dragon Tig”

Aaron – “I liked all the Happiness challenges we have done this week”

Daniel – “I liked doing karaoke because I liked being the drummer for the band”

Rory – “I liked going to the park because I liked doing the races.  The best bit was when we all ran together”

Breaghannon – “I liked the Walk on Wednesday because I got to play dragon tig with my friends”

Teigan – “I liked going to the park and playing on the swing”

Poppy F – “I enjoyed the karaoke because I liked the songs we picked”

Sarah – “I liked going to the park because I got to play on the swing”

Lucy – “I liked going to the park because it is fun.  I went down a big slide which was cool and also I liked the karaoke”

Leah – “I liked the karaoke because we got to play lots of different instruments”

Poppy D – “I liked the walk on Wednesday because I liked when we did the races.  Mr Mansfield was silly because he did a silly run and I liked dragon tig and football”

Millie – “I liked it when we did the karaoke because I liked the different instruments, it was interesting to play them”

Leila – “I really liked doing the karaoke because it was fun.  I was good when I sang and played the guitar”

This weekend’s challenges include:

  • Chore day – help someone at home to do a chore
  • Helpful hands – help a grown up to cook the dinner


Next week’s challenges include:

  • designing a t-shirt (can parents please remember to send a plain white t-shirt in to school if you haven’t already)
  • laughter yoga
  • tidy up time
  • Easter baking
  • Playing with new friends


Primary 2/1 Blog

With such a busy Friday last week we didn’t get a chance to post a blog!  The Primary 2s were absolutely fabulous in their performance of Skellybones and we are all so proud of them!

This week we started off the week with a Happiness chat about something that we are grateful for, most of us said that we are most grateful for our families because they love and support us.

On Tuesday we had our Shared Start focusing on VCOP.  We learned that this is some strategies to improve our writing. Here are some of the things we enjoyed and learned during our shared start:

Leah – “I learned that some sentences need two types of punctuation”

Poppy D – “I learned about different types of punctuation that we use at different times”

Aaron – “I learned about punctuation.  I can use a full stop and a question mark”

Brooke – “I liked using the glitter trays because I could challenge myself to write words”

Aiden – “I learned about using different types of punctuation.  I can use different types of punctuation in sentences”

Cameron – “I liked the fishing game.  Mrs Mansfield was really proud of me when I used the opener ‘As time went by…’ correctly”

Millie – “I enjoyed playing the Stomp game because it helps me think of uplevelled vocabulary that I can use in my writing”

Mason – “I liked writing words in the sand tray with my gran”

Emily – “I learned a bit more about openers.  I now know different openers and can use a VCOP pyramid to help me”

Regan – “I liked all the different stations for VCOP because the games were fun”

Lucy – “I liked doing the fishing game up at messy area because it helped me learn about different punctuation I can use in sentences”

Teigan – “I liked writing words in the glitter tray”

Griffin – “I like using the different stations because they are a fun way to learn and I enjoy them”

Breaghannon – “I liked using the glitter tray to practise my tricky words”

Leila – “I also enjoyed the different stations to help my learning”

Ellie – “I can use uplevelled words in sentences to improve the detail”

Rio – “I liked using the magnetic letters.  I enjoyed doing this because it’s fun sticking the letters on and I learn my tricky words too”

Daniel – “I liked using the fishing rods because they helped me recognise all the punctuation marks and I could talk about when to use them”

Rory – “I liked playing the jenga because I learned new words that I can use as connectives”

Poppy F – “I liked using the sand tray to practise my words because it helps me get better at the words I can’t do yet”

Sarah – “I played Pokemon with Emily and Teigan. I liked learning the new words”

From P2/1

(Just a reminder that the Skellybones DVD form should be returned to the school asap so that they can be passed onto Mr Innes.  Mrs Mansfield will hand out our DVDs as soon as they are ready.)

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 19.2.18

With the lead up to World Book Day next week, we have been having a think about Literacy and things that we have been working on this week.  We understand that reading and writing can be a bit tricky but are enjoying improving our skills in lots of new ways.

Mason – “My writing this week was good.  Mrs Mansfield was proud of me and I got to move my name up”

Lucy – “I learned about writing in sentences in my writing this week”

Poppy F – “I was doing lots of work with my sounds this week.  I used the carpet mats to make words”

Breaghannon – “I have been practising my reading and writing this week, I am getting better”

Cameron – “I liked digging deeper in my writing this week.  This is where you write a short sentence then add more information to make it a longer sentence”

Ellie -“I enjoyed digging deeper as well because it changed my sentences from being okay sentences to being great sentences”

Rio – “I liked learning about the different tricky word strategies”

Rory – “I liked writing about the Scottish meals. I wrote about turning potatoes into chips”

Sarah – “I learned actions to go along with my words this week”

Griffin – “I liked digging deeper this week because it helped me to make better sentences and then amazing sentences”

Emily – “I liked learning strategies to spell my tricky words during phonics time.  My favourite strategy was ‘looking up'”

Poppy D – “I liked when we went outside and I practised my talking skills to draw and use a clock on the playground”

Aiden – “I like doing the tricky words because I liked learning about pyramid writing”

Aaron – “I liked tricky words as well because I enjoyed rainbow writing”

Leah – “I liked writing about a Scottish meal because I liked thinking about where my food comes from”

Millie – “I liked doing the pyramid writing in active spelling time”

Teigan – “I liked hearing Mrs Mansfield’s favourite story, The Magic Faraway Tree”

Daniel – “I liked learning writing in sentences in my writing this week”

Leila – “I liked doing my writing this week”

Brooke – “I enjoyed practising my words this week”

From Primary 2/1


(A note from Mrs Mansfield

– Please note that next week we are celebrating World Book Day.  For this your child is asked to bring in their favourite short story/picture book on the day noted below for us to read during milk and story time.  This is also noted in your child’s homework this week.

Monday – Mason, Millie, Aiden, Cameron, Sarah

Tuesday – Poppy F, Regan, Aaron, Emily

Wednesday – Leila, Leah, Daniel, Ellie

Thursday – Rory, Rio, Lucy, Poppy D

Friday – Teigan, Breaghannon, Brooke, Griffin


Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 14.2.18

A wee short week for us this week and yet we have still managed to learn so much!

We spoke about the highlights of this week. Here they are:

  • The Primary 2s enjoyed making the Skeleton masks for the P2 show.  We all thought that they look a bit like the Skeleton from ‘Coco’.
  • We loved coming back to school after the holidays because we have lots of fun in school!
  • We enjoyed the challenge of exploring using a dictionary this week, we like that there are some pictures to help us.
  • We liked the different station games this week.  Our favourites were tricky word ducks and the multiplication fishing rods. At construction there were new materials to build with and we enjoyed the new wooden materials at imagination station.
  • We were learning more about time this week and created a birthday train.  We explored birthdays and then identified other key events in the year.
  • We created McCoo pictures at messy area using coloured chalk and used our finger to smudge the chalk.  It was so much fun!


Next week we are looking forward to:

  • Exploring our new maths resources – we wonder what challenges we will be able to create!
  • Keeping working on Skellybones – it is going to be amazing!
  • World Book Week in a couple of weeks!!!  We are so excited that Mrs Mansfield has said we can bring in our own books for Milk and Story time on the week beginning  26th February. There is a dress-down day on Thursday 1st March where we can dress up as our favourite book character!  How exciting!


Primary 2/1

P2 Performance of Skellybones – Costume information

As stated in last week’s letter, please see information below regarding costumes for the P2 show on the 9th of March.  A letter has now been issued with ticket information (this can also be found on the school blog under Whole School News)

“Dear Primary 2 Parent,


Primary 2 – ‘Skellybones’ Performance


As you know, your child is taking part in this year’s P2 show – ‘Skellybones’ on Friday 9th March.  For this show, all children will be required to bring in a costume. Can all parents please send the following items into school by 1st March.


Plain black t-shirt, Black trousers/leggings, black plim-soles/black trainers


Please ensure all your child’s items are clearly labelled in a carrier bag. A letter will be issued regarding tickets closer to the date.


Many thanks,

The Primary 2 Team”

P2 performance of Skellybones – Ticket Information

A letter has been issued to all P2 children today about tickets for the P2 show. This has been copied below for your information.

Can all tear off slips please be returned to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible so we are able to make arrangements. If there are any issues, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for all your support!


“Dear Parent/Carer,


Skellybones ~ Friday 9th March


The children of Primary 2 will be performing Skellybones, a short musical, on the above date.   The parents of the children in P2a are invited to the performance at 9.30 a.m. and the parents of the children in P2b are invited to the performance at 11.15 a.m.  Parents of P2/1 children will have the option to attend either performance.  If there are any problems with this please speak directly to your child’s class teacher (or pop a note in your child’s school bag).


Each child is allocated 3 seats, one of which is a seat for your child’s ‘special person’.


Please complete and return the tear-off slip below by Monday 26th February directly to your child’s class teacher.




Miss McKinnon, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Mansfield and Mrs. Harrison



Skellybones Performance


Name of pupil _________________________________________ Class __________


Number of seats required (maximum of 3)


Name of Special Person and relationship (eg. Nana)



Signature of Parent/Carer



Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 5.2.18

WOW!!!!!!!!  This has been an incredible week for P2/1 with lots of exciting learning opportunities.

On Tuesday we welcomed Tracey from Tesco who taught us about where fruit and vegetables come from, how cheese and bread are made and…we even got to do a taste test with lots of different fruit, vegetables, cheese and bread!  It was very yummy!!

On Thursday it was our class assembly and we were all SUPERSTARS!!  We helped the rest of the school to learn about the 4 seasons and sang lots of super songs with amazing actions!!  We loved dressing up and getting to perform in front of the whole school.  We are definitely becoming more confident and can’t wait for the next time we get to perform!


Here are our best bits of the week:

Cameron – “I liked our assembly because I liked learning the songs.  I liked finding out the story behind the song and challenged myself to learn all the words”

Rio – “I liked making the decorations for our assembly.  I got to create the poster for autumn and liked sticking on all the leaves we had made”

Teigan – “Assembly was my best bit because I liked singing the songs”

Aaron – “I liked singing the songs in assembly because they were good fun”

Aiden – “I liked the assembly because I got to perform and do lots of other things.  I thought I was really good at it!”

Griffin – “My costume was really cool for the assembly!  I got to get changed in class and wore my sunglasses”

Regan – “I made the sunglasses for the summer poster.  I did it all by myself and it was tricky”

Leah – “I liked practising my lines and the songs.  We added actions to the songs and I said my line really well”

Poppy D – “I liked when we were getting dressed for the assembly.  It was so funny because my mum gave me my brother’s trousers – they didn’t fit! I also liked the posters we made to show everybody the 4 seasons”

Lucy – “I liked the singalong on Friday because my brother and his friend got a certificate”

Millie – “I enjoyed the assembly because I had 4 lines to say.  I liked the singing and the dancing because I thought it was really, really fun”

Daniel – “I liked getting changed for assembly because I liked wearing sunglasses.  I looked really cool”

Leila – “This week I have liked our assembly because I think I did my line really well and my daddy came to see me”

Mason – “I really liked practising my assembly words in Cosy Corner with Rio.  In the assembly I held a magnifying glass and my mummy liked it”

Emily – “I liked dressing up for the assembly because it was really funny when Poppy tried to put her little brother’s trousers on”

Poppy F – “I liked when Tracey came in and we learned about Farm to Fork.  We learned lots about food”

Brooke – “I liked assembly because of the songs.  I enjoyed doing the actions”

Breaghannon – “My assembly was good because I said my words really well”

Rory – “I liked doing the assembly.  My words were the best bit”


We are very excited to have a long weekend this weekend.  We won’t be back in school until WEDNESDAY!!


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – A separate letter has been issued to P2 children about the performance of Skellybones, this information will also be posted on the blog.  Please return the tear-off slip directly to your class teacher as soon as possible.  Thank you!)


Primary 2/1 Assembly


I have been made aware that not all parents know about the arrangements for the class assembly taking place tomorrow (Thursday 8th February).

For those that haven’t seen the note in homework or the letter sent home, I apologise for the lateness of this information and have copied the letter below.  The children are really looking forward to sharing their learning with you all!


“Dear Primary 2/1 Parent,


The children have been very hard at work preparing for our class assembly on Thursday 8th February.  This will take place in the Gym Hall at 2.30, with parents invited from 2.15pm.  For this event, parents are asked to provide costumes (chosen by the children).  Could these please be labelled and sent to school in a carrier bag by Wednesday 7th of February (at the very latest) – I will be able to store these in class if you wish to send them in prior to this date.


The costumes required are as follows:



Dark coloured t-shirt (brown, black, orange, dark green), jeans and trainers.



Jumper (any colour or pattern), jeans, trainers, hat, scarf.



Flowery t shirt/shirt, jeans, trainers.



Shorts/Skirt, t-shirt, trainers/sandals, sunglasses.


Season Spy:

White shirt, black trousers, black shoes –  (I will provide a lab coat)


Thank you for your support with this and for continuing to practice assembly lines at home, it is very much appreciated.  The children are all very excited to share their learning with their families.



Best wishes,

Mrs Mansfield”


I look forward to seeing as many as possible tomorrow!


Mrs Mansfield

Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 5.2.18

This week we have been talking about practising and how important it is not to give up when something gets tricky.  We have had lots of things to learn recently and have worked really hard to practice words for our assembly, words for the P2 show, learn our Burns poems as well as all of our other learning!

Here are some of the bits we have had to work hard to learn but have never given up on!

Regan – “I have had to practise finger spaces in my writing.  Sometimes I forget but I am getting better at seeing where I have made a wee mistake”

Breaghannon – “I find it tricky to remember to use my full stops.  I remember in carpet time but need to practise in my jotter”

Rory – “I found it tricky at the beginning to remember my poem but I am good at it now.  I won the School Competition”

Leila – “I need to learn a wee bit more about my assembly words and my words for the P2 show”

Emily – “I think I have practised writing longer words in my stories.  I am starting to remember how to spell them because I look, cover, write and check”

Rio – “I still need to learn the songs for my assembly.  I am getting good at some of them but one is a wee bit tricky”

Cameron – “I have been working on remembering the words for our assembly songs.  I still need to remember what animals are in ‘Spring is Here'”

Aiden – “I am trying to practise my assembly words”

Griffin – “I still have some words to the assembly songs to learn.  ‘We’re going on a Summer Holiday’ is a bit tricky but I won’t give up!

Aaron – “I will keep on practising counting to 100 in skip counting.  I really like it but it can get tricky”

Poppy F – “I need to learn my assembly words, I don’t know them yet”

Lucy – “I used to not be able to count to big numbers but now I have practised I can.  I need to keep practising to count to even bigger numbers!”

Daniel – “I am still learning my tricky words.  I am better than I used to be but will keep practising to get even better”

Sarah – “I am getting better at learning numbers.  I like our games to help us learn”

Ellie – “I need to work on the words for the P2 show.  There are lots of words in my brain just now!”

Brooke – “I will keep on practising my words, I have nearly remembered all of them”

Poppy D – “This week I was Star Writer because I used the pyramid to add great describing words in my story.  I will keep on trying my best to get better and better at writing”

Millie – “I liked learning the new dances in PE with Mrs Mansfield.  It will be lots of fun to practise them”

Teigan – “I need to learn words and learn not to give up.  I will ask for help if I need it”

Leah – “I have got better at my ‘groups of’ questions.  I am much better than I used to be”

Mason – “My mummy takes me to school and see my beautiful teacher who helps me do my jobs.  I am trying to put my jacket on myself so I can go to my friend’s parties and they can come to my party.  My friends are all the people in my class”



Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 22.1.18

We have been learning lots of new and fun things this week.  Here are some of the things we are proud of learning this week:

Daniel – “I have learned to tie my sister’s hair so I can help her”

Rio – “I have started to learn the words for my assembly”

Leah – “I have learned the words to the songs for Skellybones.  I liked it!”

Emily – “I have learned how to tie my laces”

Griffin – “I have learned how to recognise new tricky words”

Breaghannon – “I have learned how to write about a farm”

Mason – “I learned that milk makes my brain strong.  Doing PE made my heart strong”

Teigan – “I started to learn my words for the Skeleton show”

Cameron – “My learning is outside of school.  I have learned not to talk when my mum and dad are talking”

Rory – “I keep practising my Burns poem with my mum so that I don’t forget it”

Regan – “I have been learning to use finger spaces in my writing.  I did a good job this week!”

Leila – “I have learned to make my writing neater and also to concentrate on my writing”

Sarah – “I have learned to count numbers”

Lucy – “I learned to do neater writing and to include more information”

Poppy D – “I have been learning how to uplevel my writing.  I can recognise the words that I have made a mistake in but know that mistakes are how we learn”

Poppy F – “I have been learning to count and know my numbers”

Millie – “My favourite learning for this week was learning my assembly words.  I really like that I am going to be a Season Spy”

Aaron – “I have been learning new sounds.  I learned ‘oo’ this week and I got to paint my foot and stamp on the paper to practise words”



Primary 2/1


( A note from Mrs Mansfield – Words for our class assembly have now been issued.  Can parents/carers please practise these with your child every night so that they know them from memory?  Thank you)

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 15.1.18

Brrr!!! What a cold and snowy time it has been for P2/1 this week.  Lots of us tried our best to battle our way through the snow and we’ve had lots of fun developing new skills and ‘building new neuron bridges’.

Here are our winter theme highlights:

Teigan – “Playing with Kaiden in the snow”

Griffin – “I liked playing with Foana in the snow.  It was really funny because she kept trying to eat the snow that we were using to build a snowman.  Foana likes carrots so was trying to eat the nose as well!”

Rory – “I liked going sledging in the back garden with my mummy.  Mummy pushed me down the hill.  I liked that because I went down the hill very fast”

Cameron – “I liked throwing snowballs at my dad because I threw it at his head and he got me back.  We then went back home and then we played horses together.”

Sarah – “Me and my brother were throwing snowballs at each other”

Rio – “Me and my sister made a snowman.  We used cucumber for its eyes and its nose and we used stones for the buttons.”

Daniel – “I liked building a snowman with my sister too.  The best bit was that we made the body so super big we couldn’t get the head on.  We had to get a step to put the head on!”

Poppy F – “I liked going sledging with my friends and family because my mum pushed me down the big hill and I went flying into the trees and did a forward roll! I was crying.”

Millie – “My favourite part of this week was that me, my mum and my sister built a snowman.  We named it and then had a snowball fight.  After that we went inside to bake a chocolate cake because it was my sister’s birthday.  It was yummy!”

Leah – “I really liked when I built a snowman with my granny because we used brussel sprouts for the mouth and the eyes.   It looked very funny when we put a potato on for a nose”

Leila – “I liked playing in the snow when my mum pulled me down the hill in a sledge”

Emily – “I liked going sledging with my brother, my mummy and my daddy because I liked when I went down the big snowy hills.  it was so cold when I got into the sledge and there was snow all around me.  Once when I was sledging I fell out of the sledge and my face landed in the snow!”

Poppy D – “I enjoyed building a snowman with my sister and my brother.  When we were building the snowman we had a competition to see who made the best one.  The funniest bit was that I used my gran’s lights for the arms and my sister used them for the arms.  My mum came out and my gran went crazy because we had used her good things.  I won the competition.”

Regan – “Me and my dad went to the hill behind my house and we went sledging.  I went down the hill on a sledge and my dad came down it with me…his chin banged on my head and it was very funny.”

Lucy – “There is a new park with a massive hill behind it.  I went right down it and snow went in my face.  When I got home I had to go in a boiling bath so that I could warm up because it was cold.”

Mason – My mummy went to Tesco and she went to Argos.  She bought us some sledges and mine is blue.  I went out in the sledge and I liked it.”

Aiden – “I went sledging with my daddy and we went down the hill.  At the bottom we had a snowball fight and we made a snowman.  When we went inside we played more games”

Breaghannon – “I liked going sledging with my stuffed animals.  Mummy went and bought my stuffed animals and me a sledge and mine was purple.”

From Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – please note that homework this week involves learning a Scots poem – this was included in the homework bag.  We have started learning lines for our assembly – these will be included in the homework bags next week!)

Happy New Year from P2/1

Happy New Year from P2/1!

We are so excited to be back at school and are enjoying all the new challenges the term has brought so far. We learned about the neurons in our brain and spoke about them ‘building bridges’ when we learn and practise new skills. We have all set ourselves New Year Challenges, here they are:

Cameron – “I am going to try to do trickier sums to make my brain stronger”

Regan – “I want to practise my maths to get better”

Aiden – “My resolution is to start eating healthy foods”

Rory – “I am going to keep practising my counting and learn new numbers”

Teigan – “I want to learn how to go under water at swimming”

Daniel – “I am going to try to build trickier things with my Mechano”

Aaron – “My resolution is to learn new numbers and practise skip counting”

Brooke – “My resolution is to start practising gymnastics to make my body strong”

Ellie – “I would like to learn gymnastics, I want to be able to do a high side flip”

Breaghannon – “I am going to challenge myself by harder ballet moves”

Lucy – “I will start to use my brain to answer trickier questions”

Poppy F – “I am going to get better at playing football.  I find this tricky”

Griffin – “I need to get better at dancing.  This will make my body stronger”

Poppy D – “My resolution is to try to get better at handstands and cartwheels.  It might be tricky but I won’t give up”

Emily – “My resolution is to challenge myself to read chapter books because it will make my reading skills stronger”

Sarah – “I want to try to remember more of the things I learn, I am going to listen”

Leila – “My resolution is that I am going to make my muscles stronger by practising climbing”

Millie – “My New Year Resolution is to practise my handstands and cartwheels”

Leah – “I am going to try and get better at gymnastic moves by myself, I need to be careful”

Mason – “I will try to take turns and share”

Mrs Mansfield – “I am going to try my best to practise the piano every day so that I can play trickier music”

From Primary 2/1

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 18.12.17

We’ve done it…all of our learning for term 2 is finished and it is time to relax and enjoy the Christmas holidays!!!

Here are our favourite things we have done to celebrate Christmas in school:

Rio – “I liked making the stockings because I will give it as a present”

Mason – “Santa Claus came to school and he gave me a teddy.  His name is Plushy”

Cameron – “I enjoyed making the Christmas crackers.  My mum will like it”

Teigan – “Helping to make the programmes for the P1 nativity”

Rory – “Making the stockings was fun, I liked writing my mum’s name on it”

Aiden – “The best bit was making the crackers, it will make other people smile”

Leah – “I got messy when I made the gingerbread man but it was good fun”

Aaron – “My favourite bit was making the stockings because I got very messy using the glue”

Emily – “I liked making the gingerbread man because I took care to make sure it was all painted.  My mummy put it up on our tree”

Poppy D – “My favourite bit was when we made the gingerbread man.  It took a while to paint them brown, black and red”

Lucy – “I liked making a Christmas cracker for my brother.  I wrote a letter inside mine”

Griffin – “My favourite part about celebrating Christmas was helping with the nativity and watching it.  I liked the story”

Ellie – “I enjoyed the Christmas party because it was lots of fun.  We got to play games”

Millie – “I liked making the Christmas crackers and putting in a joke.  My joke was very funny”

Brooke – “I liked making the Christmas crackers too because the paper was very shiny”



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Thank you for all of your support this term.  I hope you all have an amazing Christmas and get a chance to relax and ‘recharge’)



Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 4.12.17

Oh my goodness, we can’t believe that it is now December!!  We have started to talk about Christmas and have been learning about the different ways that people celebrate Christmas.   Here are the ways that we celebrate Christmas:

Rio – “I have an elf on the shelf breakfast, we have lots of pancakes”

Cameron – “When I wake up I go to my big sister’s bed for a cuddle”

Breaghannon – “I pull Christmas crackers with my mummy”

Teigan – “I wake up and go downstairs with my brother, mummy and daddy”

Emily – “I have an elf on the shelf breakfast too.  I get to make my own Santa pancake and my brother makes a Snowman pancake”

Rory – “Sometimes on Christmas Eve when Santa has gone, me and my brother sneak to see if there are presents in our stockings and then sneak to mum and dad’s room”

Millie – “On Christmas Day I get up and go downstairs to open my presents with my mum and dad”

Mason – “I wake up and shout “It’s Christmas”.  I wake my brother, mum and dad and am happy because the Elves and Santa bring toys in bags and socks.”

Aiden – “I go and open my stockings then I get to play with my new toys”

Poppy D – “I wake up and get my mum, dad and doggy.  I go downstairs to open my presents and try to guess what they are going to be”

Leila – “I wake up in the morning and I get my breakfast, we make  pancakes.  Later on we go to my dad’s house and open our presents there.  Then I open presents with my mum.”

Ellie – “The first thing I do is wake my mum and dad up.  We have a lovely Christmas dinner and open all the presents in our stockings”

Griffin – “On Christmas Day, my dog wakes me up and I take her outside.  I will go back inside and open my presents, but I might have to wake my dad up in case he sleeps in”

Regan – “Christmas Eve is time for cuddles.  I wake my sisters up on Christmas Day but we need to unwrap the door because Santa covers it in wrapping paper”

Daniel – “I stay in my house all day and open presents with my family”

Lucy – “On Christmas Day I go downstairs when everyone is awake.  When it is night-time I go to my gran’s house and eat turkey with my cousins, aunties an uncles.  We usually play hide and seek”

Brooke – “I wake up and wake my mum and brothers.  I go downstairs and we all open our presents”

Poppy F – “At Christmas time I go downstairs with my family and we go to my gran and granddad’s house.  In their living room we take the candy canes off of the Christmas tree”

Leah – “I wake everybody in my house up and then I go through the door to open my presents.  I have breakfast and then go to my gran’s for more presents”

Mrs Mansfield – “On Christmas Day Elvis the dog wakes me up.  We all go downstairs to see if Santa has been and we open our presents.  I go to visit my family and spend lots of time with them”


We can see that we all celebrate in different ways but they are all special to us.


Primary 2/1

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 20.11.17

It has been soooo cold this week that we have all been getting very excited about the arrival of Christmas time.

We are continuing to work hard preparing for the P1 nativity where the P1s have been trying their best to learn their lines, the song actions and the dances for the songs.  P2 children have been perfecting the dance routines to teach to the P1s and have been working to help Mrs Miglis create the letters to give out to parents about tickets.  We have created a logo and named our company MMP2 Productions.  The next job for us is to create the backgrounds/props and programme for the show.

To continue our winter theme we have been writing about a walk in a winter park and also created an imaginative story about a magical snowman.  We had lots of fun exploring different vocabulary and adding details to our pictures.

Overall it has been a lovely week 🙂


Primary 2/1

(Please note that next week we will start the Rookie Rockstars programme which focuses on anti-bullying strategies.  Tickets are available for these performances from the school office)

Primary 1 – Nativity lyrics

Song 1: Woolly Sheep


  1. One woolly sheep won’t stand still,

Running around on the hill

Keeping all the shepherds busy,

Working till they feel quite dizzy

Work, work, work,

Work, work, work.


  1. Two woolly sheep…


  1. Three woolly sheep…


  1. Four woolly sheep…


  1. Five woolly sheep…


Work, work, work,

Work, work, work.




Song 2: Sleepy Shepherd


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody’s asleep,

Somebody should be looking after his sheep,

But he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody is snug,

Somebody is curled up like a bug in a rug,

And he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.


  1. Instrumental


  1. Somebody is snoring, somebody’s asleep,

Somebody should be looking after his sheep,

But he’s a sleepy, sleepy head,

What a sleepy shepherd he is.

What a sleepy shepherd he is.




Song 3: One Starry Night


  1. A beautiful angel came to the hill,

Came to the hill, came to the hill,

A beautiful angel came to the hill,

One starry night.


  1. He hovered above with silver wings,

Silver wings, silver wings,

He hovered above with silver wings,

One starry night.


  1. And over his head a halo bright,

Halo bright, halo bright,

And over his head a halo bright,

One starry night.


  1. He told us about a tiny child,

Tiny child, tiny child,

He told us about a tiny child,

One starry night.

Song 4: Would you like to come along?


Strolling down to Bethlehem, skipping through the night,

I’m going to find a stable with a tiny babe inside.

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?


Strolling down to Bethlehem, skipping through the night,

I’m going to find a stable with a tiny babe inside.

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?


Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?

Would you like to come along with me?

Would you like to come along?




Song 5:  Under a star


  1. Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.


  1. There in a place so far away, we found him,

There in a place so far away, we found him,

There in a place so far away, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.


  1. Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night was a stable,

Under a star, deep in the night, Jesus was born,

Jesus was born for you and me.




Song 6:  Bumpy Road


  1. Three kings were riding down a bumpy road,

Following a star showing the way to go,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,


  1. Three kings were riding, wearing royal crowns,

Sitting on their camels, heading for the town,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,


  1. Instrumental


  1. Three kings were riding down a bumpy road,

Following a star showing the way to go,

It was a bumpy road, bumpy road,

It was a bumpy, bumpy road,



Song 7:  Wake up! Wake up!


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Rub your eyes, jump out of bed,

Don’t you be a sleepy head!

Come and see the new born King.


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come to Bethlehem!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come to Bethlehem!

Up you get, don’t make a fuss,

Wipe away your sleepy dust,

Come and see the new born King.


  1. Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Wake up! (clap, clap) Wake up! (clap, clap)

Come and see the King!

Rub your eyes, jump out of bed,

Don’t you be a sleepy head!

Come and see the new born King.

Come and see the new born King.



Primary 2/1 – Week Beginning 13.11.17

This week has been anti-bullying week and we have been learning about strategies to help us if we are getting bullied or see someone who is being bullied.  Here are some of the things we have learned:

Cameron – “Be a buddy to people if you see someone playing by themselves”

Rio – “If someone is getting bullied you should tell a teacher or an adult you can trust”

Rory – “If someone is being bullied it is unkind to leave them on their own”

Lucy – “We watched McGruff and learned about ‘being a buddy'”

Breaghannon – “Bullying is not kind, we need to ask for help”

Aiden – “Stop! Talk! Walk!   Stop listening, talk to someone, walk away from the bully”

Brooke – “If you are being bullied tell a grown up”

Ellie – “Don’t let people bully you, talk to someone – they will help”

Poppy F – “If someone is hurt you should help them up and be a friend”

Teigan – “Be a buddy by being someone’s friend”

Aaron – “Be a nice person and say nice things”

Millie – “Don’t be mean to hurt others”

Emily – “Be a helpful buddy and care about others”

Poppy D – “If someone is being bullied you can tell them to talk to a teacher and walk away from the bully”

Mason – “Stop! Talk! Walk!”

Sarah – “If someone hurts you at school, tell the teacher”

Daniel – “It is important to share with others”

Leila – “If someone is being bullied you should never join in with the bully, you should stick up for the other person”

Leah – “Don’t be a bully!”

Griffin – “Always be nice”

Regan – “If someone is being bullied, be nice to the person because it will make them feel better”




Primary 2/1

Primary 4a

We have had a good week this week and have been lucky to have different teachers while Mrs Little is off.  We have learned lots of new things and have enjoyed getting to know the teachers in our school a bit better.

Here are our best bits:

  • Maths – We played Invisible Man with Mrs Mansfield to practise our mental maths and played games to extend our learning.  It was a lot of fun.
  • Music – We were learning about music notation this week with Mrs Mansfield.  She taught us about rhythm and melody and we created our own alien songs using the rhythms we had learned.   To learn about rhythm we learned new songs and used our ears to listen carefully and repeat patterns back.
  • Literacy – We learned about the story of Mr Potter’s Pigeon with Ms Davidson.  We wrote a description about the story and created picture boxes to show what happened.    We also wrote a remembrance day story.  We stepped into a picture and used our imaginations to write about being a soldier in the war.  It was tricky but we enjoyed adding lots of description to our writing.


We hope that Mrs Little gets better soon.


Primary 4a

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 6.11.17

Wow!  What a week!  We have been really busy with our learning and have enjoyed all the new and exciting challenges.  We have had a focus on developing our listening and talking and have been sharing news to others.  Here are some things we would like to share with the grown ups too:

Rory – “I enjoyed learning about transport this week.  I can name different ways to travel”

Teigan – “I tried to get better at maths.  I practised counting.”

Breaghannon – “I was working hard to practise my numbers in maths”

Regan – “I am proud of my report from parents’ night”

Lucy – “I liked doing Judo.  I enjoyed playing games with the music on”

Sarah – “I had a really good report at parents’ night”

Poppy D – “I want the grown ups to know that I have started making a time machine in school”

Leila – “I want my parents to know that I liked BBB.  We were talking about how to be safe”

Poppy F – “I challenged myself in writing this week”

Aiden – “I really enjoyed Judo.  The best bit was playing the Starfish game”

Emily – “I would like everyone to know that my class have been doing lots of fun things in phonics.  I have enjoyed making crafts and creating flippy books with my sounds”

Aaron – “My favourite bit of the week was Judo”

Brooke – “I was really good at art this week, I finished my cat picture”

Millie – “I liked wearing the jacket at judo because I enjoyed all of the games”

Leah – “I would like the grown ups to know that I challenged myself by going to the red chilli challenge”

Rio – “I really enjoyed Judo in school, I would like to go to Judo classes”

Cameron – “I want grown ups to know that I have tried Judo.  I was a bit worried at the start but I challenged myself”

Griffin – “I enjoyed judo because I liked trying to escape from the other person”

Ellie – “I was good art this week.  I added detail to my cat picture and started my time machine”



Primary 2/1


Our Highlights this term – Primary 2/1

What a wonderful first term we have had with lots of busy learning.  Here are our highlights:

Teigan – “I really like dance club in the morning”

Griffin – “I have enjoyed outdoor PE with Mrs Mansfield.  We played dragon tig and looked for spaces”

Regan – “I liked doing the minecraft yoga when it was rainy”

Rory – “I liked Church Service, the songs were good”

Cameron – “I have liked maths because I have been learning lots of new information about shapes”

Jayden – “I have challenged myself in maths learning about 2D and 3D shapes”

Millie – “I have enjoyed learning about Julia Donaldson”

Breaghannon – “I have liked PE.  The best bit is the ice cream race”

Emily – “I have enjoyed being a role model for the new P1s”

Lucy – “I like the church service.  I sang the songs and got to sit with my friends”

Leila – “I have really enjoyed doing yoga when it was too rainy for outdoor PE”

Poppy D – “I have liked when we have been describing.  I have added it to my writing”

Leah – “I liked going to the church.  I liked the music we were singing”

Sarah – “I like lots.  I liked the church”

Daniel – “I enjoy singing in music time”

Rio – “I have liked doing phonics because we get to create phonic crafts”

Brooke – “I like PE, the games are fun”

Aiden – “I have enjoyed outdoor PE – I liked learning new games”

Aaron – “I enjoy indoor PE.  My favourite is the racing games”

Mason – “I really like the ice cream cone race.  I give ice cream to everyone”


We are looking forward to our holiday week!


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – thank you for all your support this term.  I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing break, whatever you get up to!  Happy Holidays!)