Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 8.5.17

This week has been a fabulous week with lots of fantastic learning.  Mrs Mansfield is very proud of us for all our hard work! Magic Grandad has been teaching us about the Victorians, here are some of the things that we have been learning:

Keegan – “I learned that a long time ago they didn’t have baths with taps”

Griffin – “The people needed to heat water up on the fire”

Ellie – “In the Victorian times the toys were different.  Some children had to make peg dolls”

Cameron – “They didn’t have televisions or games – that was a surprise”

Rio – “There are no ipads!  Instead they played with toys like a Jack in the Box”

Jayden – “I liked the spinning top, it moves by spinning”

Emily – “Some poor families didn’t have enough chairs for all of them to sit at the table for dinner.  Some people had to sit on the floor”

Liam – “There were no busy roads”

Teigan – “I learned about Victorian toys.  My favourite Victorian toy was the Spinning top”

Leila – “The Victorian teachers were very grumpy.  They used to make children wear a dunce hat and sit in the corner!

Millie – “Not all children went to school.  The rich children went to school and sometimes the poor children had to get a job”

Breaghannon – “They did not have safe pavements, people walked at the side of the road”

Max – “There was no electricity, they played outside instead of playing xbox and used candles instead of lights”

Jonah – “The Victorian clothes for poor people were boring colours.  Bright colours were very expensive”


Here are some of our highlights of this week:

  • Learning the French numbers 1-10, the song was great
  • Practising our song for celebrating success
  • Taking our maths outside to learn about measuring
  • Using the ipads to research about Victorian toys, it was good to learn how to search for things safely online
  • Completing the fitness circuits (please send in sponsor money asap)



Primary 2/1

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