News from 1B

We have had a busy start back to school…we are already learning  about lots of new things.

One of the activities we are enjoying lots is learning Scots.  We love the story of The Gruffalo and at the moment we are reading it in Scots, we are trying really hard but sometimes we forget and say our favourite lines in English not Scots.  Our favourite words are tod, hoolet and hoose.  We also learned a poem in Scots and recited it to the class.  Miss Holwill was very impressed as some of us were a wee bit feart but she couldn’t tell.


We are learning how to make sure we get the right amount of change in maths.  Our P6 buddies have been helping us and making it lots of fun.


We are also learning all about electricity. We carried out experiments to learn about static electricity and have even been make simple circuits.  Next we are going to learn how to stay safe around electricity both indoors and outdoors.


2 thoughts on “News from 1B”

  1. How exciting hearing the Gruffalo in Scots…

    My class have used “Jordan’s new jaiket” to help them write their own Scots story about a new jaiket…

    Well done P1 on your poetry recitations too !

    Mrs Aitken

  2. Wow !

    How exciting…a dinosaur nest with eggs in your classroom …what has happened this week ?

    Come and share your dinosaur news with me 🙂

    Mrs Aitken

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