
We all had a great holiday and have been working really hard since we came back to school.

In maths we have been learning about using doubles and near doubles to help us add and multiply mentally. The Hexagons and Octagons have been learning how to multiply 2 digit numbers. They have been learning to use different strategies including partitioning and doubling and halving. The pentagons have been learning strategies to help them to divide mentally.

We have been learning about Scots language and practised a poem to perform in front of the class. We studied a poem called A Dug, A Dug and translated it into English. We also wrote our own Oor Wullie comic in Scots.

In our WW2 topic we have been learning about the role of women during WW2. We learned that they made a huge contribution to the war effort by working on farms, in factories and in the forces. We looked at propoganda posters and how they were used to influence people during the war. A lot of posters were used to enroll women into the war effort and portrayed women as strong and independent. Finally, we looked at sources of information. We are able to identify primary and secondary sources of information. Primary sources are sources of information which are gathered at the time, for example, an eye witness account or a photograph. A secondary source of information is created by someone who did not experience it first hand, for example, a documentary based on the holocaust.

We had a nice end to the week as we got to watch a pantomime performed by pupils from Bathgate Academy. It was really good fun and gave us some great tips for our pantomime performance.



Class Dojo: Joe


See you next week!

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