P1L’s First Week Back

We’ve been bees in P1l!  Below are some comments from the children about what they have enjoyed about school this week or about school in gerneral.


I like doing Maths, we’ve been learning to take away (Rory).

I like doing Maths too, continuing a shape and colour pattern is fun (Ammie-Leigh).

I like phonics, we were learning the ‘sk’ sound in my group this week (Brandon).

I like the activities we do in phonics, like jumping into the hoops and saying the sound (Mia).

I like practising the letter shapes in phonics (Charlie).

I like working in school (Zara).

I enjoy P.E. with Mr Jeffries, I like playing tig (Liam).

I enjoy Drama with Mrs Innes (Keilija).

I like phonics and Maths (Jamie).

I like P.E the most (Ruby).

I like going outside for P.E. with Mrs Laidlaw (Cameron, Shelbi, Callum and Alistair).

I like my teachers (Ruby-Anne, Annie and Owen).

I like lunch time and play times the most (Charlotte).

Golden Time is my favourite (Kyle).

Doing aerobics in the classroom on a rainy day is fun (Brooke).

I like lunch time the most (Jackie).

I like home time (Lucas).


One thought on “P1L’s First Week Back”

  1. Hi Primary 1l,

    I really enjoyed reading all of the things you have enjoyed this week and in school in general. You like lots of things in school which is great to see.

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

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