
We’ve had a busy few weeks!

We’ve had a look at poetry over the last few weeks. We practiced our poems and had 4 class winners. They were Megan, Zoe, Sophie and Jennie. Our class winner was Zoe and the school winner was also Zoe. We all loved the twist that Zoe had at the end of  ‘A Red, Red Rose’ by Robert Burns. Well done for your effort girls!

In class we have been learning about different types of poems and have written acrostic poems, Scots poems and preposition poems. The preposition poem was a tricky poem to write because we weren’t writing in sentences!

In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10 and 100 and revising multiplying by 2, 3, 4 & 5. We have also been learning about money and working out how much change we would get from the shopkeeper if we gave him £1.

In topic we researched Aberdeen and made information leaflets for things to do, see and places to eat. We found that in Dundee, there is a street called ‘Bash Street’ named from the comic ‘Beano’ and there are large statues of comic characters in the city centre.

Bye for now


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