Broons Aroon P4g!

This week in p4g we have been looking at the Broons and have made comic strips of our own family! We had to include speech bubbles, sound bubbles, thought bubbles and connectives to link the boxes.

We have also made a book about ourselves, here is a list of what is inside: house floor plan, family tree, factfile of ourself, house for sale and character cow and a family comic.

This week for our review jotter we were writing about how we cooperate in school. We co-operate by sharing, taking turns, being kind, listening to others, offering a friend a shoulder to cry on, not leaving anyone out and always taking part in a group challenge.

Our popcorn tub is nearly full wooooohoooooo! We have been working hard to be kind and show respect, let others share their ideas and keeping the classroom tidy.

We have started a new class novel called ‘Gansta Granny’ by David Walliams. It is very exciting and awesome.

During language sessions this week we were learning to be a ‘Discussion Duck’ where we had to work in partners to create 5 different OPEN-ended questions on the ‘Hodgeheg’ then ask other partners to answer our questions.

For dance this week we learned the ‘Dashing White Sergeant’. It involved 6 people in each reel and you need to be very energetic!

For Science we watched a video all about the human skeleton and we had to take note and remember as many facts as we could to label the bones of the skeleton. We learned that the human body has 206 bones, a baby is born with 300 bones then they join together, the longest bone in the body is called the femur and the largest bone is the pelvis.

Our ICT challenge this week was to begin making a powerpoint presentation on our favourite celebrities. Miss Goff showed us how to add slides, photographs and text. She even showed us how to add animations to make our powerpoint more interesting! We will present our presentations in the next few weeks.

This week’s Special Person is Isla because:

  • She is a really good friend.
  • She has a great smile.
  • She is my bestest friend ever as she is always kind to me (Ben)
  • She is super listener.
  • She is helpful to everyone.
  • She shows good behaviour and good manners.
  • She is forever confident.
  • She is very close to her friends and shows them respect.
  • She is very funny!
  • She is really good at making up playground games.
  • She is a cheeky monkey (Isla totally agrees and thinks her parents will agree too!).
  • She shows good co-operation.
  • She has a great sense of humour.
  • She has a very caring nature.
  • She always tries her best (Miss Goff agrees!)
  • She is good at taking part in everything.

Question of the Week – Who is your favourite celebrity and why?

See you next week!

Cameron B and Kiera H

9 thoughts on “Broons Aroon P4g!”

  1. Hi Primary 4g,

    WOW! You have been very busy this week. I really enjoyed learning about all of the learning which has been taking place this week in your class. The popcorn jar sounds very interesting. I’m going to visit your class next week to see it. What happens once it is full? I’m going to have to think about who my favourite celebrity is as I like quite a few celebrities for different reasons! Ill let you know once I’ve thought about it. You’ve said lovely things about Isla and I’m sure this has made her very happy. Keep up the good work.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hi primary 4G, I am Annie’s little sister! It sounds as though you have been very busy! Well done Isla for being this weeks special person! Evie xx

  3. Hi primary 4G, I am Annie\’s little sister! It sounds as though you have been very busy! Well done Isla for being this weeks special person! Evie xx

  4. Wow, another busy fun filled week in p4g! I can’t wait to see the fact files, they sound really interesting. I know isla was absolutely delighted to be chosen as special person this week, it is really lovely to hear why all her class mates think she is so special. She is our little ray of sunshine at home, so full of fun and she always knows how to make us smile ( and she gives the best cuddles!). Good luck filling your popcorn jar, I’m sure you will have a great treat in store once it’s full! Tracey x (Islas mum)

  5. My class have read Gangsta Granny and i thought it was awesome as well, :). I think co-oporation is very important too.

  6. Hi 4g,

    I read a little of Gangsta Granny with you this week and loved it. It was a funny chapter with Granny pretending to do yoga to give her time to hide some jewels. What an interesting character she is!

    Have a wonderful long weekend,
    Mrs Spence

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