P1m Discover More about Life on a Real Scottish Island…..

This week, we have been busy thinking about what life on an island such as Struay might be like.

In preparation for the Visit of Reverend MacDonald, we collectively planned a range of questions to ask Rev. MacDonald.

Thank you to Reverend MacDonald for coming to the school to visit us.  We enjoyed looking at his interesting photographs of the Island of Lewis, and listening to his talk about Scottish island life. Reverend MacDonald’s photos stimulated even more questions from us and we all enjoyed finding out more about island life.  It turns out that life on the Isle of Lewis is very similar to life on Katie Morag’s island.

Hot lines of P1 questioning included animal and recreation related questions.  We were really keen to find out which animals live in the waters surrounding the island, and to learn that island life is far from boring, as there is a lot to do there.  We liked the fact that the island children get the chance to spend lots of time outdoors 🙂

6 thoughts on “P1m Discover More about Life on a Real Scottish Island…..”

  1. Hi Primary 1m,

    I’m so pleased to hear that you enjoyed Mr Macdonald’s visit to your class on Tuesday. He really enjoyed sharing all of his stories about island life with you and answering the questions that you had thought up to ask him. It’s quite amazing to hear that life on Lewis is quite similar to life on Struay. Well done everyone on asking good questions.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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