
Another busy week for us.

This week we looked at where and how grid references are used.  We also had a look at ‘Billy Bug’which helped us with grid references. Our 3D UK map was completed – it was very tricky painting the mountains and land around it because the outlines had become faded when making it 3D. It’s now complete and ready to use! In art we used blending to create different shades of colour for our houses – we are getting quite good at mixing and  blending to create different shades of colours.

We are learning our Big Maths facts and have already shown an improvement in our results! We need to practice our number bonds and times tables to get better. We played bingo using numbers in French and that was lots of fun.

We have been looking at the Synagogue and why it is an important place for people of the Jewish faith. We liked the ’10 Commandments’ that they have as they are simple rules to follow – just like our Golden Rules.

We have worked very hard at home and at school to remember our Scots poems – three winners from the class will go on to the finals on Monday. We have also been looking at Scots words and what they mean. We will use this in our writing next week.

Next week: P.E will be on Thursday afternoon instead of Monday afternoon.

Enjoy your weekend.

5 thoughts on “P4b”

  1. Hi Primary 4b,

    Your 3D map sounds fab and I can tell that you have put a lot of work into it. Ill come in and see it next week. I’m pleased to hear that Big Maths is helping you to get better at mental maths. Keep practising your tables and number facts and you’ll get even better results. You are all working so hard which is great to hear. Well done, everyone.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Hello there 4b,

    I know the Billy Bug game you’ve been playing to help with your learning about grid references. He likes to find his food by navigating to the correct square on the grid and seems to always be hungry.

    I’d like to share your learning about writing using Scots words. Maybe some of you could visit me to read what you’ve written.

    Have a great weekend,
    Mrs Spence

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