P6a Get Animated!

For the last few weeks we have been learning about animation and how to create animations. Last week we created 3D animations and this week we created 2D animations. We worked in our Clan Teams for these tasks.

Here are a few examples

Grant Clan

Murray Clan

MacDonald Clan

Stewart Clan

MacLeod Clan

Campbell Clan

We used Stop Go animation for these videos.

It was the P6 party this week and we all had a great time. We would like to say thank-you to all the adults (and P7 carers) who made it all possible –  THANK-YOU!

We thought that the other P6 class did brilliantly in their assembly and we really enjoyed their singing and all the facts that they shared with us.
*****Pupil of the Week is Callum*****

Lauren C won the Drama award for the month.

One thought on “P6a Get Animated!”

  1. Hi Primary 6a,

    Your animations sound great and I liked how you all have your own clan teams. The P6 Party looked like great fun and you all seemed to be having a fab time. Well done Lauren C and Callum on your awards this week.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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