Primary 1 Visit the Library

Today all of Primary 1 visited Bathgate Library.  When we got there we listened to the 3 stories which are shortlisted for the Scottish Book Trust book awards. There was Jumblebum, Paper Dolls and What’s the Time Mr Wolf.  Everyone did really well walking there and back and our listening skills were superb. 


After hearing the stories we voted for which was our favourite.  Jumblebum came out on top and Jason said he liked the story because it reminded him of his room which can also be a mess.  Thank you to the library for asking us to visit and to everyone that helped us today.


5 thoughts on “Primary 1 Visit the Library”

  1. Hi Primary 1,

    I am so pleased that you enjoyed your visit to the library. Jumble bum sounds very good. I must read it at some point. Well done, everyone on behaving really well at the library and on the walk there and back. I am very proud of you all.

    Miss Henderson

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