P6a Moon Landing

This week we have had another very busy week. Not only did we start our Literature Circles, we also prepared for a moon landing by designing vehicles and space buildings. Here are a few of our finished products.

Harry and Flyn

It has a camera on the top so that it can take pictures of The Moon. It can move so that it can explore the moon and pick up rocks.

Chloe and Emily
Chloe and Emily

The building on The Moon is about 5′ tall, which is the same size as Emily! We are a good team.

Jay and Jack

Here are our models. One is a NASA rocket, it can fly up to the moon and 100 miles per hour. It can carry up to 1000kg. Our other model is a space probe, it has a bin and arms at the front and a satellite at the top.

We also learned about the phases of The Moon and how The Moon affect the oceans on Earth. We are trying to make a video of our work so hopefully we will be able to upload that soon!

Hope you have enjoyed reading about our learning this week. If you have why not leave us a commnet? Miss Anderson will give a prize to the person who leaves the BEST comment for us.

Miss Anderson and P6a 8)