Sports in P3h

We were lucky enough to go to the Sports Centre and try lots of different sports.

At FOOTBALL the coach had different colours which meant different activities.  The green cone was for dribbling, the yellow cone was tap the ball with each foot and the red cone was to stop.  We thought that in football there were lots of different fun activities.

At BABMINTON we practiced hitting the shuttle-cock, Cameron M thinks his went the highest.  We played shuttle-tig.  We thought badminton was really good.

At TAE-KWON DO we practiced our punches and kicks.  We had to duck really quickly so the pads did not get us.  We remember that we can only do these moves with Master Elder.

At HANDBALL we practiced passing the ball so we could score goals against another team.  We thought was fun.

At RUGBY we played touch rugby, we all had tails that we tried to steal.  It was fun and we liked doing it.

At TENNIS we got to hit our balls over the net….Miss Holwill was very impressed with the shots, Andy could have some competition soon!

One thought on “Sports in P3h”

  1. Hi Primary 3h,

    You had a very sporty week last week, boys and girls. I enjoyed reading about all of the different sports you took part in and what you thought about them.

    Hope you’re all having a good week.

    Miss Henderson

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