Primary 7m

Primary 7m had a great first week back.

Nicole enjoyed working with her new group and completing the table challenge.

Todd loved taking part in the Big Balbardie Blether to discuss the house points.

Daniel M liked dressing down/ up on Friday and we all liked Ben’s clown costume!

Amber and Eilidh are looking forward to learning baout the rainforest this term.

We were  excited to find out that Mr Ross who came in to speak to us last term about his trip to America, took the thank you card we made him to meet with the new US Ambassador to the UK Matthew Barzun.

2 thoughts on “Primary 7m”

  1. Thanks very much for including my photo on the Balbardie Blether! Everyone who’s seen your thank-you card loves it!


  2. The thank-you card for Mr. Ross was wonderful! Ambassador Barzun was very impressed with your excellent work!

    Robbie McGregor
    U.S. Consulate General Edinburgh

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