P6a Visit Mars!

This week P6a have been very busy preparing for our assembly. We have been making props, learning our lines and learning the songs.

My Favourite Assembly Activity

Jack – I enjoyed making the props

William -I learned other people’s lines as well!

Lauren U -I liked singing the songs

Kendal – I enjoyed our parents vising for a cup of tea!

Olivia – I enjoyed performing

Miss Anderson is very proud, especially because we wrote the script ourselves!


As it is money focus week we learned more about money.

Jack – We played money games on the Smartboard

William – I learned more about money

Lauren U – I’m now better at counting up with money

Kendal -I liked playing the games on the Smartboard

Olivia – I liked making moneyboxes from 3D shape nets

*****Paul is our Pupil of the Week – well done Paul!*****

2 thoughts on “P6a Visit Mars!”

  1. Hi Primary 6a,

    Well done on presenting a great assembly to everyone this morning. I really enjoyed it, especially the songs.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I was thoroughly entertained during your assembly P6a. You have obviously worked extremely hard to put so much together. I’m sure the rest of the audience loved it too!

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