P6a – 2 for the price of 1

Jay is a superstar because he is both our Pupil of the Week and also  Mr Jefferies’ MVP (Most Valuable Player) for Primary 6.


This week we have been redrafting our stories of the skies. We have been continuing to develop our skills when asking and answering analysing questions. We also had to correct a piece of work that had lots of spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.

Antonia – I enjoyed reading this week because I like my new novel.

Lauren C -I liked redrafting my story.

Harry – I enjoyed creating a powerpoint.

Paul – I liked typing a powerpoint.

Finlay – I already know how to work with powerpoint.

Jay – I feel like I have got faster and better at reading.

Maths and Numeracy

The red group have started learning about fractions

Antonia – We are no now learning about decimals

Lauren C – We now have Countdown on our maths wall. I liked trying to work it out as I liked being challenged.

Harry -I like that we have moved onto a different kind of fractions (decimals)

Paul -I am working hard in maths to ‘step up my game’

Finlay -The red group have started learning about fractions.

Jay – I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of multiplication and fractions. I have also been chosen to be one of the Countdown assistants.


We have been working on our songs and scripts for our assembly next week. We have also used powerpoint to research the planets in our solar system.

Antonia – I have enjoyed making the powerpoint for our assembly.

Lauren C – I am enjoying creating the choreography for our assembly songs.

Harry – I like being a timeline person as I get to find out events that happened before we went to space.

Paul – I like being an astronaut because we are all working together to finish our script.

Finlay – I like that I am an alien because everyone is working together to make the assembly good. The aliens are a big group.

Jay – Miss Anderson said I’ve got the timing right for our song Variation in Space.


Antonia – My team won our football match.

Lauren C -I have learned more notes on my clarinet.

Harry -I have learned about tenths in maths.

Paul -I have made a big effort to think about what I say and I feel that I have achieved this.

Finlay -My team won our rugby tournament

Jay -I am pupil of the week and Mr Jeffries’ MVP!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend

Miss Anderson and P6a (the Starships in particular!)

*** We will have basketball outside on Tuesday (and for the next 4 weeks). Please bring an outdoor P.E. kit. If you have black/grey joggers you can wear them to school with your polo shirt/school jumper. ***

3 thoughts on “P6a – 2 for the price of 1”

  1. Hi Primary 6a,

    WOW! I am so impressed with how much learning has been happening in your class this week and with all of the achievements you have had in and out of school. Well done, everyone.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I am looking forward to your assembly next week P6a. I am sure you are working very hard with Miss Anderson to entertain everyone on Friday. Well done to Jay on both of his awards and to everyone for your achievements both in and out of school last week. Well done!

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