P6a Reach for the Stars

This week in Primary 6a we have been learning about stars. Did you know that our sun is really a star? We are going to learn more about the stars and planets that make up our universe.

On Monday we had a visit from Childline, which was really interesting and we learned a lot about how Childline can help. We also memorised the phone number for Childline 0800 1111

We shared our Home Learning on Tuesday and we also learned more about remembering types of questions. This type of questions tests what you can remember from your home reading. We can remember a lot and are going to work on understanding questions next week.

We have had many achievements this week, both in and out of school

Callum was signed by Murieston Whites FC and will now play alongside Nathan.

Flyn drew in his muay thai fight (against a more experienced opponent)

Adam did NINE backflips on his trampoline

Chloe achieved grade 2 in tap, ballet and jazz

Finlay was asked to join Linlithgow Rugby Club

Harry and Jay both passed the pre-grading black belt

Isla is our Class Dojo champion with 11 points. The class total for positive points is 179.

*****Antonia is our Pupil of the Week!*****

Hope you all enjoy your long weekend (and remember that Home Learning should be handed in on Wednesday next week).

Miss Anderson and P6a 8)

One thought on “P6a Reach for the Stars”

  1. What a busy week in P6a! It was lovely to read all of your achievements out of school too. It’d be great to get some of these on the wall in the gym to celebrate your hard work.
    Well done Antonia on your well deserved award this week.

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