Inventions are Fun! by p4g

In maths this week we have been learning about division and we also discovered that not all dividing sums equally divide and that means you get a remainder. Remainders are what is left over.

For spelling we have been doing telephone spelling and we challenged each other by trying to decode each others spelling words! We enjoyed it!

For story writing we did Writer’s Craft where we had to create our own chapter of George’s Marvellous Medicine. We were challenged to write an alternative plot of what happened to Grandma when she ate George’s Medicine! It was very fun!

We learned how to use the new netbooks to research famous inventors.  We learned that John logie baird invented the television for home entertainment and Alexander Flemming invented Penicillin which is an antibiotic that fights off infections.

Our five class ipads were delivered yesterday and we are very excited to use them to support our learning next week.

This week’s Special Person is Jane because:

  • She is very kind
  • She is beautiful
  • She is a kind friend
  • She has fun sleepovers!
  • She always smiles
  • She produces outstanding and amazing work!
  • She is lovely
  • She is not fussy
  • She works very hard in school
  • She always pays attention to the teacher
  • She is very friendly
  • Even though she is shy, she always tries to be confident (Jane agrees!)
  • She is helpful to others during maths time
  • You will hardly ever see her involved in an argument
  • She has lovely blues eyes
  • She is greater than great!

Enjoy your September weekend!

Louise and Geo

6 thoughts on “Inventions are Fun! by p4g”

  1. Hi Primary 4g,

    I love your blogs as they are always so full of what fun learning experiences you have been having each week in school. I also really enjoy reading about your special person. I would love to read some of your alternatives to what happened to George’s Grandma when she drank the medicine. Could some of you come and show me them next week?

    Have a lovely, long weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. P4g, I love reading your blog entries too as you tell us so much about the exciting learning going on in your class. I’d love to read some of your chapters about grandma taking the medicine! What lovely qualities you have recognised in Jane too.

    Well done and keep up the excellent work!

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