P6a are happy to be at school (well, most of us)

In assembly this morning we learned that there are millions of children in the world who do not get to go to school. This makes us think that we are very grateful that we have the right to an education.

We enjoyed eating lunch with our buddies and we still check up on our buddies to make sure that they are ok in the playground.

In Maths the Blue group and the Green group started to learn about FRACTIONS! Lauren U thinks that fractions are easy but quite a lot of us think that fractions are tricky. Miss Anderson is sure that by the end of next week more of us will think like Lauren. Kai managed to accurately complete 2 pages of maths in under 10 minutes. Jack was our big improver in BIG maths with 9 more correct. Jack and Antonia got our high scores with 14.

Mr Welsh joined us for our Spelling lesson on Tuesday, which was good fun. We enjoy learning our spelling words using a variety of activities. Here are a few photos of our work. ***TO FOLLOW*

We also started to learn about Space and Miss Anderson reminded us that we can find lots of information and videos using Twig on Glow. We do need to log in using our Glow Log on. Here is the link http://www.twigonglow.com/

Lauren K achieved the highest score in Class Dojo with 9 points.

*****Flyn is our Pupil of the Week*****

Have a nice weekend

Miss Anderson and P6a 8)

3 thoughts on “P6a are happy to be at school (well, most of us)”

  1. Hi Primary 6a,

    Thank you so much for your help with your buddies over the past three weeks. You have done your job really well and I know that the Primary 1 children have loved seeing you in school everyday and having you help them out. Well done.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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