This week in P2pg

This week we thought about all the things we learned through Cool in School, which helps us with our friendships.  Some of the children comments included …

“You know how people are feeling by looking at their face and their body language.” Skye

“Respect other children.” Robyn

“Own up to your mistakes.” Jennie

“If you hit someone you should say sorry.” Callum

“If you take something that doesn’t belong to you, give it back.” Gary

“Care for your friends.” Lucy

Over the next few weeks we are going to look further into building good friendships with others. 

We also learned about Eco Houses and all the things that help we can do in our homes to help care for our environment.  The children designed their Eco houses on paper and we hope we can make some of these from junk materials (recycled ones of course). 

Of course this all tied in nicely with our Grounds awareness day and the raising of the Green Flag today.  What an exciting day!  The children loved the stalls, the story and the picnic – even the cold didn’t put us off.

Well done P2pg.

One thought on “This week in P2pg”

  1. Hi Primary 2pg,

    It sounds like you have been doing some really good work on be able to be ‘cool’ in school. I think that you are learning some very valuable skills for the future. Great that you had a lovely time at Grounds Awareness Day and that the cold didn’t put you off. Keep up the good work.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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