Class 3 visit the library


We have started a new community learning programme.  Each week we go to a different place in the community.  Mrs Stewart gives us all a target before we go and we have to try hard to achieve it.  We have ‘Out and About’ books where we write in our targets and stick in photos to prove we achieved them.  Then we write a comment about the outing and read Mrs Stewart’s comment.  If we go to the same place with our parents, they can write a comment too. 

 What we think about our target books:

Geordie –  I liked the bit where I colour stars to show how well I did.

Josh – I liked getting the book and I liked taking it out and about with me.

 This week we went to Simpson Library in Bathgate.  We all had our own targets.

Geordie – My target was to check out a book by myself. I did this but I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t get out a teenage comic.

Josh – I had to choose a library book by himself. I found a fictional  book about dragons which was great!

Then we had a library challenge.  We had to get into teams and find out important information about the library.  We had a challenge question paper and clipboard.  For some of the questions we had to look for clues in the library.  The signs and notices in the library helped us.  For other questions we had to ask the library assistants to help us.  They were very helpful indeed.

Geordie –  I did very well with the challenge  and wrote down lots of the answers.

Whilst we were there Nathan, Geordie and Josh each got their very own library card.

Nathan – Getting my own library card was a little bit cool. I might use it with mum.

Geordie – It is awesome!

We really enjoyed our visit to the library and can’t wait for our visit to the supermarket next week.

4 thoughts on “Class 3 visit the library”

  1. Hi Class 3,

    Your library visits sounds really exciting and I’m glad that you were able to work on your targets which you’ve set in your ‘Out and About’ books. You are really showing people in the community what fantastic learners we have in Balbardie. I hope you enjoy using your library cards. Have fun at the supermarket next week. Are you going to Tesco or Morrisons?

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I love your photos Class 3. It was great to read about you achieving your targets. I hope you make good use of your library cards.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. I am really enjoying our new community programme class 3. You each try hard with your targets and have lots of fun at the same time.
    I hope you enjoy using your new library cards with your families also as I know you are all keen to visit your local libraries.
    I am looking forward to our supermarket visit too 🙂

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