Class 3 out and about :)

This week in Class 3 we went to Lana’s cafe. We walked down to the cafe with Mrs Stewart and Miss Waddell. The weather was nice and sunny when we went.  We were learning how to order our own snack and to pay for the snack after we had finished. Geordie had some toast and an orange fruit shoot, the toast was tasty. Josh enjoyed an empire biscuit and an orange fruit shoot, it was really good. Euan had some ice- cream with sprinkles on it and also toffee syrup along with a fruit shoot.  Nathan had a really big slice of chocolate cake which looked really tasty. This was our first time since the start of the year going Out and About. We hope to visit the shops or the library on our next adventure. We all showed good manners and remembered to say please and thank-you. Mrs Stewart and Miss Waddell were very proud of Class 3. We also made funny vegetables with Mrs Strain. It was fun.

Aidan’s new tutor that he will have next year paid him a visit in Class 3.  Aidan thought she was really nice and was pleased to meet her. He is looking forward to going to high school after the summer even though he is going to be leaving some good friends behind. We will miss you Aidan and hopefully you can stay in touch.

We are on holiday from school Monday and Tuesday but look forward to being back at school on Wednesday.

One thought on “Class 3 out and about :)”

  1. Hi Class 3,

    Your visit to the cafe sounds great. I would have had an empire biscuit too like Josh! Going out and about will be great fun. Mrs Leamy knows the ladies at the library really well and would be more than happy to arrange for you to visit them. Maybe you could visit her class next week to ask if she could arrange this for you?

    I’m so pleased you liked your high school tutor, Aidan. It is such an exciting time for you moving from primary school to high school and I know you will love the experience of it all. We will really miss you, but hope you will stay in touch.

    Have a lovely, long weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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