Home learning week beginning 25/05/20

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed your long weekend!

As always, tasks are only suggestions for you, you don’t need to complete everything if you don’t want to.

home learning timetable 25-05

Literacy: This is an activity based on Harry Potter (again!) If you use the QR code, it will take you to a video link. Watch the video and have a go at answering the questions. It’s ok if you haven’t seen the film or read the books, the questions are just based on the video!

harry potter and the chamber of secrets

Pobble365 – Each day a different image is uploaded with a set of activities relating to the picture. If you don’t like the picture for that day, you can choose another day by clicking on ‘pick a day’ in the top right hand corner. Try to complete this at least once.

AA: Eid AA

FF: Eid AA

CC: CC Eid

Gold and Silver group have commonly misspelled words this week. Activities you could complete are: creating a wordsearch, bubble writing, using your words in a paragraph, testing an adult, writing the definitions of each word.

Bronze group have the phoneme ‘se’ which is usually found at the end of a word. Activities you could complete are: bubble writing, rainbow writing, writing the definition using a dictionary, testing an adult, using your words in sentences.



Here is another escape room for you to try! This time it is based on The Hunger Games. I must warn you, it is pretty tricky but I have every faith that you can escape!

Hunger Games Escape Room

I hope you’ve all been managing your budgets on the Budget game.

What would you prefer and why:

Magic Squares – you could try this activity as a starter task.


MM: This activity compares positive and negative numbers. You don’t have to do number 5 but you can try it if you want to!

European cities

Try the Bitesize Maths challenge which is uploaded here on a Friday:

Bitesize Maths Challenge


DD: In this activity, you are adding decimals (you should use the written method of upstairs, downstairs)

Addition DD

Try the Bitesize Maths challenge which is uploaded here on a Friday:



AA: This activity involves some addition work:

AA grid problems

2d + 2d

Try the Bitesize Maths challenge which is uploaded here on a Friday:



Writing: I have another competition for writing this week. This time there is a chance for you to win a filming kit for your school. Sounds pretty good to me! You need to create a short video (between 30 seconds and 2 minutes) that describes your own lockdown story. Now, this can be a factual story in the form of a News Report or a Vlog (so you will be describing your own experience)  or you can write your own creative story. The competition closes on the 29th June. 

This link provides all the information about the competition:

Keep Connected competition

You do not need to completely stick to this format but it may help with your planning:

keep connected planning sheet

Here is some more information that may help when you come to film your report:

report plan

Please read the full Terms and Conditions of the competition before starting to film. It is important that your entry meets these requirements and does not infringe on any copyright laws. For example, your video must not:

  • Contain commercial names or trademarks owned by others or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind,without permission, or contain any personal identification, such as license plate numbers, personal names, email addresses or street addresses;
  • Contain copyrighted materials owned by others (including photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies or other media or musical ‘samples’) without permission

Terms and conditions

I would suggest that you concentrate on the planning side this week, and perhaps even writing a script. You could leave the actual filming to next week, it’s a big project so I think it’s best to do it over two weeks.

If you are going to enter the competition, please send your entry to me (gw16pantonjennifer@glow.sch.uk) and I will send your entry in.

Topic: How did you get on with remembering the countries in Europe? This week you can build on what you learned last week and learn some of the capital cities of Europe! I bet you’re confident with some, like France, but what about the capital of Finland?! Use this video to help you find out and remember the capital cities of Europe:

Try filling in this worksheet. You should add other countries/capitals to the list.

European countries and capital cities

You can play the same game as last week, but select ‘capitals’ instead.

Capital cities puzzle

Have a go at this game to assess how many capital cities you know:

Capital Cities quiz

Art: I’m pretty excited about this art activity, and I think you will all like it too.  Can you recreate a scene from a movie? I have included an example of me doing one, hopefully you can work out which movie it’s from!

Here’s another example I found which might give you some inspiration too…

See the source image

If you have a go at this, please send me your pictures as I would love to see what you come up with!


Nature in your Neighbourhood

Competition #2 for this week!

This great competition comes from the film club IntoFilm and is open for everyone aged 5-19 to complete with the technology you have at home, for a chance to win a home filmmaking bundle worth £300, and two runners up will each receive a year’s subscription to Netflix!

Here’s what IntoFilm say about how the competition will work:

“We’re asking young filmmakers to celebrate their surroundings by creating a 3-5 minute live-action or animated short that documents something they’ve noticed or appreciated while spending more time in their local area. Whether it’s a school playground, local park or even a view from a window, we want to see it.

Shorts can be shot using mobile phones, tablets or cameras, and our handy filmmaking resources are a great place to start. 

Films should be submitted online along with a completed entry form by the closing date of Friday 19th June.

Due to your age, you will need to get a parent/carer to complete part of the entry form for you.

Full details of the Nature in your Neighbourhood Competition can be found using the link below.

Nature in your Neighbourhood

This is also a big project so you can continue on with it next week too.


P.E: Watch this video and see if you can challenge yourself! I have included the scorecard below too. Good luck! You can even try it again later in the week to try and beat your own score.

360 challenge scorecard

Life skills: life skills

As always, stay safe and remember to send me any photos of your learning – gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk

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