Home learning week beginning 22/06/20

Hello everyone!

Well it’s here already, your last few days as Primary 6! You’ve been amazing this year and I am so, so sad that we didn’t get to do more in Room 12. I have loved seeing you guys progress through Primary 6, learning lots and taking on new responsibilities. You should all be so proud of yourselves. I am definitely going to miss you all, especially all of your chat and jokes!

Your official last day is Wednesday at 1pm so I only have a few suggestions for tasks you can complete.


This week I would like you to reflect back on your year in P6. What have been your favourite moments, your best memories, your greatest achievements, what did you enjoy the most about P6? Your task is to create a colourful poster illustrating these memories to remind yourself of all the great things that have happened in the past school year.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget the positives and get hung up on the negative elements that happen in our lives, especially now when things are so different for everyone. As much as some of you probably thought this was going to be great getting time away from school when the school first closed, I know that many of you are actually really missing being in school and spending time with your friends. Personally, I can’t wait to get back to school. Staring at a laptop all day and putting work on a blog is DEFINITELY not as fun as being in class with you all.

You don’t have a lot of time to create your poster as I’d like you to send them to me so I can post them on the blog on Wednesday for our last day. It would be really lovely if we could get a poster from everyone so that we can all be reminded of the positives of the past year and end on a high. Please either email your poster to the gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk address or to my own email (gw16pantonjennifer@glow.sch.uk). If you don’t want to include your name on your poster that is absolutely fine and I can post it anonymously.

Design and Technology:

Your challenge this week is to create your own family board game. This can be based on any subject and designed around any theme you like. Think of games that you have played and whether you enjoyed them or not and try to identify what it is about them that makes them successful.

I have included a booklet to help you with your design process, you do not need to complete every page in it! It will be useful as it gives you several examples of basic board games for you to have a go at playing first and evaluate how easy they are to understand and play and whether there are any flaws in them. This will help when designing your own game to ensure that it is not impossible to play.

Once you have completed the planning and design phase, you can then create the real version of your game. It might be drawn out on paper, or maybe you could make it a 3D game using some cardboard from your recycling. Whichever way you choose, remember to make it bright, colourful and appealing to play. If your game requires extra elements such as game pieces you will need to create these too. You will also have to write instructions to go with your game so that others know the rules.

Finally, test out the game by playing it with your family!

Design a board game booklet

The link below will give you the planning sheets that are mentioned in the booklet to help with your design process and help with identifying errors in the example games.

Design worksheets

Another STEM activity you could try is making your own marble run! Make one by using things you have around the house and be as creative as you can!

Here is an example:

Or you could make your marble run from cardboard:

There are lots of ideas on Youtube, some are much harder than others so it depends on how handy you are! Good luck!

Remember, you also have the South Lanarkshire Sumdog contest to compete in, it finishes on the 25th June!

Have a great last few days everyone, and please remember to email me any posters you make so I can add them to the post on Wednesday!

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