Monthly Archives: October 2019

week beginning 28/10/19

Hello everyone! Happy Halloween!

For homework this week you should complete the following:

Reading: Clever Commas should read chapter 8 of ‘Quackers’. The other groups should continue to read a book of your choice for at least 10 minutes each day.



Gold group – you will be looking at homophones again this week. Activity 1: Find and write the meanings of 4 pairs of homophones. These can be either from your spelling words or the words you find on your own. Activity 2: Find another 5 pairs of homophones and write them in your jotter.

Silver group – you are continuing with the ‘ee’ phoneme. You should complete 4 activities from the spelling sheet.

Bronze group – you are looking at the ‘ea’ phoneme. You should complete 4 activities from the spelling sheet.

Numeracy: Please continue to complete at least 10 minutes of Sumdog each day.

This is also a very good game for improving times tables recall.

Newsround: Please watch an episode of Newsround and summarise an interesting story in your jotter.


Have a great week!


Technologies homework due 8/11/19

Following on from our strongest bridge building task with room 11 last week, your task is to build a bridge using materials of your choice from home. Your bridge must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be able to span a width of 20cm (the desks will be pulled apart by 20cm and your bridge must be able to be used to cross over the gap)
  • Needs to be able to support the weight of a can of beans
  • Should have a deck wide enough to enable a toy car to travel across the bridge

Think about the design your group used in class and how you could improve on this. Triangles are often used in bridge designs due to their ability to absorb a heavy load better than a square or rectangle. Also consider bunching items together for added strength. Completed bridges should be carefully transported to school by Friday 8th Nov.


Good luck!

Week beginning 21/10/19

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a great holiday!

Just a quick reminder that P.E days have changed and Room 12 will now have P.E on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

Homework for the week is as follows:

Reading: Clever Commas should read chapter 7 of Quackers. Everyone else should read a book of their choice for at least 10 minutes each day.

Spelling: Gold group – Activity 1 – find and write down the meaning of 4 pairs of homophones. Activity 2 – Think of 5 other pairs of homophones. Activity 3 + 4- pick an activity from your sheet.

Silver group and Bronze group – 4 activities from the spelling sheet.

Numeracy: Aim to play Sumdog for at least 10 minutes each day.

Newsround: Watch an episode of Newsround and summarise an interesting story in your jotter.


Have a great week everyone!

week beginning 7/10/19

Hi everyone! One more week to go before the holidays!


Homework for the week is as follows:

Reading: Clever Commas, please read chapter 6 of ‘Quackers’. Everyone else, please continue to read a book of your choice for at least 10 minutes each day.

Spelling: Gold and Silver group – you should complete 3 activities from the spelling activity sheet. As another activity, you should write down as many words you can think of that fit both of your spelling rules. Bronze group should complete 4 activities from the list.


Numeracy:  Everyone should continue to play Sumdog for at least 10 minutes each day.

Newsround: As always, watch an episode of Newsround during the week and summarise an interesting story in your jotter.


Have a great week everyone!

w/b 30.09.19

Hello! I hope everyone had a lovely September weekend! Another short week for us all.

Homework is as follows:

Reading: Clever Commas should read chapter 5 of Quackers. The other groups should continue to read a book of your choice for at least ten minutes each day.

Spelling: Please complete 3 activities from the spelling sheet.

Numeracy: You should aim to play at least ten minutes of Sumdog each day. I have also included links to online games related to what we’ve been doing in class.


DD:  As you are working on 3d x 1d multiplication, you should use this game to help develop your times table recall.



Newsround:  Please watch an episode of Newsround and summarise an interesting story in your jotter.


Have a great week!