S4 Computing Science – National 4 and 5 Course

 National 4 and National 5 Computing Science are one year courses offered in fourth year. Computer Programmer Students will study Computing Science five periods a week.

The Computing Science course consists of two units:

  • Software Design and Development, and
  • Information Systems Design and Development


Software Design and Development

Students will learn the skills to write their own programs using a programming language called Visual Basic. This will help to improve students logic and problem solving skills.

This unit also investigates basic computer architecture and the use of binary to store a range of data types including numeric, textual and graphical data.


Information Systems Design and Development

This unit provides the opportunity for students to improve on the practical skills developed in S2 and S3. Students are expected to create an electronic information system, using relational databases, web-authoring and presentation software, as well as learn about the security issues, legal implications and environmental impact of information systems.




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