Category Archives: News

General news items

Parent Council: message from Rev Bryan Kerr, Chairperson

Dear parent/ carer,

Within Lanark Grammar School our Parent Council exists to help support the

school in the education of our young people. Each month when we meet we

are given a wonderful insight into life at Lanark Grammar School, new

developments taking place in curriculum and learning as well as being given

the opportunity to raise concerns with the headteacher and members of the

Senior Leadership Team.

The Parent Council is a very friendly group of individuals who support one

another and value the contributions made by everyone. You may have been

involved in the parent Council or PTA in your child’s Primary School, or you

might never have attended a meeting. At the start of your child’s time at

Lanark Grammar School, I would like to invite you to come along to our

Parent Council Coffee and Cake Event from 7pm – 8pm on Monday 2nd

September. This will be an opportunity to meet the Parent Council

members, the headteacher, members of the Senior Leadership Team and

other key members of staff in a relaxed atmosphere. Following the event we

will be holding our AGM to which you are welcome if you wish to stay.

The Parent Council meets in the conference room from 7pm – 9pm, normally

on the first Monday of each month. The dates for the forthcoming session


2019: 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December

2020: 6th January, 3rd February, 2nd March, 27th April, 1st June.

If you have any questions about the parent council please do not hesitate to

contact me. You can email us at or send a

note in with your child and ask them to hand it in to the school office.

We hope you and your child are looking forward to their time in Lanark

Grammar School and I hope you will be able to join us on Monday 2nd

September at our Coffee and Cake Event.


Bryan Kerr, Chairperson