School Closure reminder

As you know, following a decision by the Scottish Government, all schools in Scotland will close from today (20.03.2020). As yet, there is no date set for schools to re-open.

South Lanarkshire Council is currently responding to the Government’s requirement that provision is made for vulnerable young people and the children of key workers. In the first instance, on Monday and Tuesday of next week, the school will be open for children of key workers in Category 1 (Health and Care workers supporting COVID and associated staff; Health and Care workers supporting life threatening emergency work, as well as critical primary and community care provision; Energy suppliers; staff providing childcare for other category staff i.e. teachers, and all other school staff including facilities personnel). Pupils will also be able to access the school during the lunch break to take up their Free School Entitlement. Digital learning resources have placed on the school’s website and can be accessed via the link below:
