P1-P7 continue to work on their sea topic this term. We have: made hanging sea creatures, an underwater frieze and all pupils have made their own fact file on a sea creature of their choice. Next, we will look at sea transport and pupils have made a plan of a boat they are going to construct.
Hibari Kan Judo Club
All pupils were given the opportunity to take part in a judo taster session from Hibari Kan Judo Club. The children learned some judo moved and worked together well. The instructors told them the opportunities that Scottish Judo competitors are given. This includes them travelling all around the world to participate in competitions. The pupils were given a leaflet detailing where the club meets and how to join.
Rugby Training
P4-P7 have been participating in rugby sessions with Biggar RFC. The sessions have included: warm up games, skills activities and lots of fun. All pupils have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions. Thank you to Biggar rugby club for organising this!