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Good morning,

Welcome to our first weekly online learning blog post. I hope you and your family are doing well and looking after yourselves.  Below are the suggested learning activities for this week.  Again, I am aware this is an uncertain time and there may be many reasons why your child is unable to complete suggested learning.  Please do not worry about this and only do what you are able to.  I understand that you will have concerns about continuity of learning for your child.  I would like to reassure you that at this stage in your child’s development, play is still extremely important for learning so above all please ensure your child has lots of time for free play.  It is also very important to continue to encourage good talking and listening skills with your child during your usual daily conversations.  This will ensure they continue to develop and understand a wide range of vocabulary.

Literacy Activities

  • Try to read a story every day this week. This can be a book at home or you can follow the link below to Storyline Online and choose a story from there. Use the prompt cards in the reading booklet issued to discuss the book with your child and support their comprehension of the text.

  • Complete pages 2 and 3 from the phonics booklet. I have included photos of these below for anyone without the home learning pack.


  • Revise phonemes ‘a’ and ‘t’. Please make sure your child can correctly form theses letters.
  • Continue to practise taught common words – see list in home learning pack for the specific words your child needs to practice.


Numeracy and Maths Activities 

  • Money Booklet – Page 269. Please support your child’s understanding of this concept by giving them real coins to work with.

  • Numbers to 20 – Page 17

  • Addition and Subtraction  – Page 91. A number line has been including in the home learning pack.

General Activities 

  • Please continue to support your child’s phonological awareness through the activities mentioned in the tab above.
  • Finger Gym activities to support your child’s fine motor skills can be found in the tab above.

Please do not hesitate to leave a comment if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Chan 🙂

School Closure

Each child was issued with a Home Learning Pack today. In this you will find work to support your child’s learning over the coming weeks. Each week, I will use our blog to provide you with suggested learning tasks for the week and a note of the activity sheets to complete.

I am aware there are some children who are currently self-isolating and unlikely to be back in school to collect their pack before Friday. For those of you in this position, I will upload photographs of the activity sheets as we go along. The first post will go up on Monday morning.

I will check the blog daily and be on hand to support with any questions you might have.

I am aware this is an uncertain time and there may be many reasons why your child is unable to complete suggested learning. Please do not worry about this and only do what you are able to.

Mrs Chan

Home Learning for self isolating pupils

As a whole school we are currently planning for learning at home in the event of closure.

However in the meantime as there are a number of pupils who are currently absent or self isolating the following activities could be completed at home.


  • Continue to practice common words (see tab)
  • Continue to practice recognition of phonemes
  • Practice reading and writing 3 letter words


  • Studyladder
  • Counting to 20
  • Number before/after
  • Number more than/ less than


  • Still life drawing. Choose something at home to draw i.e bowl of fruit, view from window, garden, etc.
  • Easter Art. Decorate a hard boiled egg, Easter bonnet, etc.
  • Home baking.

I hope you are well and taking care of yourselves and each other. Please keep an eye on this blog as the majority of future learning is likely to be posted here however Mrs McGravey will advise of this in due course.


Mrs Chan


We have now taught all the initial sounds and so over the next two  weeks we  will be assessing the children’s progress.  At this stage the children are expected to read and write their phonemes.  It is also expected that they will be able to use their phonetic knowledge to read and to spell untaught three letter words.  This assessment, along with ongoing assessments, allows us to determine your child’s readiness to move on to learning joined phonemes.

To allow for reinforcement of the phonemes before next week’s assessment, no reading books will be issued for the next two weeks.  Please use this additional time to support your child in consolidating their learning of taught phonemes.

The phoneme tab above has a list of words your child should be able to read and write independently.  The homework tab has a list of activities you may wish to use to consolidate their learning.

Just a reminder that it is’Parent’s Evening’ on Thursday 2nd April.  If you would like an appointment and have not returned the slip please could you send it in.

Also there are still some ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ returns to come back in too.

If you have any questions please catch me at the end of the day or contact the office.  Many thanks for your continued support.

Anthea Chan


A slight change this week, as we are not consolidating last weeks phonemes and spelling words.  We will have 2 weeks of consolidation after this week.

We are learning our last two single phonemes q(u) and x.

The spelling words for this week are;




Please continue to help your child to read and write all previous phonemes and spelling words.

Also see the reading tab for additional ideas on how to support your child to read.  We are currently reading ‘yellow’ band books.  Talking about the book helps your child to develop an understanding of the text, which helps them when they are completing tasks in the classroom.

Teddy Bear Picnic returns;  There are still some returns to come back to class.  Please can these be returned by next Monday.  If it is in your child’s bag, please remind them to hand it in and I will also be asking in class.  Thank you.

Any questions or queries please see me at the end of the day or contact the office to make an appointment.

Kind regards

Anthea Chan


Just to let you know that the phoneme tab has now been updated.

Also can I please ask that reading books come into school everyday with your child.  We read from them each day and carry out a follow up activity.  Unfortunately I do not have any spare copies in the class.

Many thanks for your support.

Anthea Chan


This week we are learning the phonemes y and z.  The children are very excited to see that their ‘5 finger boards’ are almost filled with all the letters of the alphabet!

The spelling words this week are all quite tricky and they are;




As part of ‘World Book Day’ celebrations on Thursday, I would like each child to bring a favourite book from home to share and enjoy with another child in the class.  It does not need to be a book which they can read, just a story they enjoy.  Please could you write your child’s name on the inside cover of the book, so that any mislaid books can be returned to the correct child!

Also, I would like to create some rainbow collages made from fabric with the class.  If you have any small bits of fabric which could be used please could you send them in with your child.  ( Such as an old t-shirt, pyjamas etc – patterned or plain).

I will update the phoneme lists later this week as I know many have found them very useful.

Many thanks and if you have any questions or concerns please see me at the end of the day or contact the office.

Anthea Chan

Homework 24.02.20

This week we are consolidating the phonemes j and v.  We will also continue to practise the spelling words; just, have and to.

Please continue to help your child read and write their spelling words and short sentences.  The phoneme tab has some ideas for sentences should you need them.  Many are becoming more confident in their writing, using the skills they are learning.

Thank you for your support and please contact me if you have any queries.

Anthea Chan



We all had a fantastic time at the Science Centre.  I think we will all sleep very well tonight!

This week we will be learning the Phonemes j and v.  The spelling words are;




I will issue a paper copy of these words tomorrow, which can then be added to your word box/containers.

The ‘phoneme’ tab has words and sentence ideas to help support your child to read and write.  Other sentence ideas are;

1. We went to get on the red bus.
2. I will just go to the van for the map.
3. He has a can but it is not cold.

We are continuing to read from the ‘yellow band’ and for most there will be 2 books issued.  See the reading tab above for ideas and suggestions to help support your child read.

Any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to see me at the end of the day.

Kind regards

Mrs Anthea Chan

Homework 3/02/20

This week the phonemes h and w will be introduced.  The spelling words are;




We will read two books this week but no books will be issued the following week (as the pupils are only in for two days).

Thursday 13th and Friday 14th February will be consolidation days for the above phonemes and spelling words.

Please practise reading and writing the above words and phonemes with your child and continue to practise previous ones covered.

Also in school bags this afternoon is a letter regarding a trip to the ‘Science Centre’.  Please complete the consent form and return it to school with your child.  Payment for the trip should be made using ‘Parentpay’.

As always if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to me.

Anthea Chan