Category Archives: Uncategorized

Check-in Station

Hi everyone,

Following on from Mrs McGarvey’s message on the school app, this is your  weekly ‘Check-in Station’ !

We want to keep in touch with everyone so we are asking each pupil (with parental help!) to post a message on their class blog. You can leave your comment below. Many of you have already been in touch but I’d love to hear from all of you.  You can just say hello or you can tell me how you are and any activities you have been doing.

You can check-in today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) before 3pm.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Mrs Chan  

Free Books

Just a note to let you know about a fantastic website Miss Muir came across!

This website has lots of free books to read online. You don’t need to register or login. Books are organised into various different categories.

If you go to ‘search’  you can filter the options to books for your year stage using the funnel button at the left of the screen. P1 is the ‘blank’ button before Y1.  However, there is also an option to have the book read aloud to you using the play button at the bottom left of the screen once you select a book to read. Words are highlighted as you read and there’s even a dictionary built in that you can search for the meaning of any words you are stuck on. If your child is listening to a story then they should choose stories which interest them.

I will add this website to the ‘Oxford Reading Owl and Free books’ page.

20th April

Good Morning grown ups 😊

Bonjour boys and girls 😊

I hope you are all keeping well and have been able to enjoy some  sunshine either in your gardens or out about on walks or bike rides.  And of course I hope the Easter Bunny treated you all to a few chocolate eggs!

Have you spotted any bears yet? 🐻

Axel Scheffler has illustrated a story book for children to help explain the coronavirus.  If you  would like to read the story and share it with your child please click on the link;


This is week 3 of ‘home learning’ and below are the suggested learning activities for this week.  Please spread the activities throughout the week and if you don’t have time to complete an activity or your child is very reluctant to complete an activity, then it is ok not to complete it.  Remember they are suggestions so only do what you are able to.

Literacy Activities

This first link is a guide to reading the story ‘Do you like?’ and an activity which can be completed once the story has been read. ( The second link takes you to the story)

This next activity involves reading a poem and then creating a poem in a similar style.  Before asking your child to do any writing encourage them to say the sentences first.

The focus of the next link is Listening and Speaking and again requires reading a story to begin with and is followed with some enjoyable activities.

Also try to read a story every day. This can be a book at home or you can follow the link below to Storyline Online and choose a story from there. There is also a link to Oxford Reading Owl.  Please use the tab above which has instructions on how to access some free ebooks. However, if you have completed one of the activities above then  it is not necessary to follow up the story with additional questions – it is also important to read/listen for enjoyment.

If you wish to follow up a story with a discussion then the ‘Prompt cards’ can be used.  They can be found in the reading booklet issued and are also available in the reading tab above.

  • Complete page 6 from the phonics booklet. I have included photos of these below for anyone without the home learning pack.

Revise phonemes ‘p’ and ‘n’. Please make sure your child can correctly form theses letters.

  • Continue to practise taught common words – see list in home learning pack for the specific words your child needs to practice.

Numeracy and Maths Activities 

  • Money Booklet – Page 275. Please support your child’s understanding of this concept by giving them real coins to work with.

This is a short animation showing different money combinations to make 10p.  Maybe have a go after you have watched the clip.


  • Numbers to 20 – Page 19


  • Addition and Subtraction  – Page 93. A number line has been including in the home learning pack.


Below is a link for an additional idea for counting to 20 and a game that you could play.


Also in school the children play games from the website ‘Topmarks maths games’ .  This is a link to the site.  Your child will be able to show some of the games we play in school (most of them can be found in the 5 – 7 age group)

General Activities 

  • Please continue to support your child’s phonological awareness through the activities mentioned in the tab above.
  • Finger Gym activities to support your child’s fine motor skills can be found in the tab above.

The following activities provide extra ideas;

I would love to see what you’ve all been up to. You can send in photos to the address below and I’ll post them on our blog in the ‘gallery’. Remember our blog is public so please don’t send photos that have children in them. Names will not be matched with photos. This email address will be used by several classes, so please use the subject line ‘Room 1 Mrs Chan’ in every message you send to make sure I don’t miss any.

Let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything.

Keep safe everyone.

Mrs Chan 😊

P.S  I realise that there are a lot of links here – so if any do not work please let me know.

Easter Holidays


Hello boys and girls 🙂

There will be no home learning activities over the next two weeks due to the Easter break🐣 Our next home learning blog post will go live on Monday 20th April.

If you want to you could try some of the Easter challenges below over the break.


I have also put up this grid which is all about Social and Emotional Learning.

All activities on both sheets are optional.

I would love to see what you get up to over the break. I hope you get to have some fun with your families.  You can send in photos to the address below and I’ll post them on our blog. Remember our blog is public so please don’t send photos that have children in them. Names will not be matched with photos. This email address will be used by several classes, so please use the subject line ‘Room1 Mrs Chan‘ in every message you send to make sure I don’t miss any.

I hope the Easter Bunny is good to you🐰  Keep safe and well.

Mrs Chan 🙂

P.S I’ve added a tab “Our Gallery’ and will put any photos you send in onto it.  So take a peek to see what your friends have been up to.


Hi everyone,

This is an extra link to do some yoga.

It is made by a company called ‘yogido’ and it specialises in teaching yoga to children.  These  activities can be completed by your child or you can complete them together.

Click on the playlist ‘just be …. together’ and select from the list.

I’ve been trying to do some yoga everyday with my son, which is fun and at times hard! I think we’ve almost mastered a ‘downward dog’.

I hope you find them enjoyable.

Home Learning 30.03.20

Good Morning grown ups 😊

Bonjour boys and girls 😊

I hope you are all keeping well and were able to enjoy a little bit of sunshine this weekend.  I am missing your smiley faces on a Monday morning.   I hope you’ve been able to show your grown ups just how great you are at all your jobs and also how good you are at building cars and bridges and also making up puppet shows.

Well done for completing week 1 of the Home Learning, I hope you are all ready for week 2!  I hope you enjoy looking out some bears on your walks.  Have you spotted any yet? 🐻

This is a lovely story which may help your child to understand a little more about what is going on just now.  It is written by a nurse and uses simple language and colourful pictures.

Dave the Dog is Worried About Coronavirus

There are a lot of great resources available for free online at the moment. I’ve collated them in the ‘Home Learning’ tab above and I’ll keep this updated over the coming weeks. In addition, the link below will take you to some of the daily live events with associated links.

‘Chester Zoo’ has also been live streaming their animals.   If you wish to take a look search for them on Facebook and log in.

Below are the suggested learning activities for this week. Remember they are suggestions so only do what you are able to.

Literacy Activities

  • Try to read a story every day this week. This can be a book at home or you can follow the link below to Storyline Online and choose a story from there. Use the prompt cards in the reading booklet issued to discuss the book with your child and support their comprehension of the text. These are also available in the reading tab above. I’ve also added a Reading Bingo activity to the reading tab that you could try to complete over the next few weeks.

  • Complete pages 4 and 5 from the phonics booklet. I have included photos of these below for anyone without the home learning pack.

  • Revise phonemes ‘s’ and ‘i’. Please make sure your child can correctly form theses letters.
  • Continue to practise taught common words – see list in home learning pack for the specific words your child needs to practice.

Numeracy and Maths Activities 

  • Money Booklet – Page 271. Please support your child’s understanding of this concept by giving them real coins to work with.

  • Numbers to 20 – Page 18

  • Addition and Subtraction  – Page 92. A number line has been including in the home learning pack.

General Activities 

  • Please continue to support your child’s phonological awareness through the activities mentioned in the tab above.
  • Finger Gym activities to support your child’s fine motor skills can be found in the tab above.

I would love to see what you’ve all been up to. You can send in photos to the address below and I’ll post them on our blog at the end of each week. Remember our blog is public so please don’t send photos that have children in them. Names will not be matched with photos. This email address will be used by several classes, so please use the subject line ‘Room 1 Mrs Chan’ in every message you send to make sure I don’t miss any.

Let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything.

Keep safe everyone.

Mrs Chan 😊

We’re going on a Bear Hunt

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you are all keeping well and have enjoyed some activities with your family at home.

I know we are all a bit sad that our Teddy Bear’s Picnic can’t go ahead on Monday so I thought we could have a Bear Hunt instead! Put one of your bears in your window this week for your friends to spot when they are out on their walk.


You can email me pictures of your bears or what you’ve been up to and I’ll post them on our blog. Remember our blog is public so please only email me photos if you happy with them appearing on a public forum. Names will not be matched with photos. This email address will be used by several classes, so please use the subject line ‘Room 1 Mrs Chan‘ in every message you send to make sure I don’t miss any.

Happy hunting,

Mrs Chan 🐻