All posts by Mrs Chan

Homework 9/09/19

Homework this week is a number formation sheet. Encourage your child to trace over the number and then to have a go at writing the number his/herself. This can be completed using a pencil, felt pen etc and can be handed in any day this week.

Also ‘Gardening Club’ starts this week on Thursday for group 1. If your child brought a letter home, it should state which group they are in.

Thank you
A. Chan

Homework 2.09.19

In your child’s bag you will find two scissor control worksheets for homework. Please complete these this week. There is no need to return these to school.

Also, as the weather turns cooler and jackets are required, please could I ask that your child spends some time practising how to zip up their own jacket. Many thanks for your support.

A. Chan

Monday 26th August

Please find a pencil control worksheet inside your child’s school bag.  This can be completed at some point this week and returned to school by Friday.

When your child is completing this work please encourage him/her to hold the pencil correctly (using the pincer grip, finger and thumb), to have a go at writing his/her name themselves and to colour the pictures in.  This can be completed using a felt pen, a coloured pencil crayon or pencil.

Thank you


Welcome to Room 1’s Blog



This blog will provide an overview of homework and any relevant tips and advice on supporting your child in Primary 1.

Over the few next weeks we will be focusing on developing our phonological awareness skills. We would appreciate your support in continuing to work through the activities from the phonological awareness calendar (handed out at induction).

We are also introducing ‘Number Zoo’ enjoying rhymes and actions to help with writing numbers starting with 1.  We are counting out objects but are also focusing on the correct formation of each number.  You can help your child by asking them to make the number out of play dough, trace out the number in sand, use coloured pens/pencils to create a rainbow number.