Check in Station (4)


Hello everyone

This is your  weekly ‘Check-in Station’ !

As in previous weeks, we are asking  each pupil (with parental help!) to post a message on the class blog. You can leave your comment below. Thank you so much for getting in touch over the past weeks, it is lovely to hear what you have all been up to.   You can just say hello or you can tell me how you are and any activities you have been doing.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Mrs Chan  

24 thoughts on “Check in Station (4)”

  1. Hi
    This week I have been going for daily walks which I have been enjoying. I have been continuing with the biff and chipper book I really enjoy them and I am picking up new words. I love doing art so I have been painting and drawing pictures.

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      You sound like you are working hard on your reading, well done. I am glad you are enjoying a daily walk, I also like a walk everyday. You were great at drawing at school so its great that you are getting to paint and draw at home too. Have a lovely weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  2. Hi Ms Chan
    This week Arianna has been planting some seeds thanks to a mini allotment from grow 73. She has also enjoyed the wakey wakey story. Hope you are well.

    1. Hi Arianna,
      Growing seeds is very exciting and what a great idea a mini allotment is – I look forward to hearing about how the seeds grow. I am glad you enjoyed the story. Have a lovely weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  3. Hello Mrs Chan.
    I have been doing maths and counting pennies. I helped make pancakes by reading and counting. I put chocolate spread and syrup on mine. I have been growing plants and the butternut squash leaves are so big! I like playing outside on my scooter and laser tag with my brother. There was also a deer in our back garden on Tuesday morning.
    Murray Neeson

    1. Hi Murray,
      We had pancakes for breakfast today! I put strawberries and maple syrup on mine. The butternut squash plants sound like they are growing well, they’ll be so yummy when they have grown. Wow a deer in your garden, that’s exciting. Have a great weekend and I hope the weather stays dry so you can continue to play outside.
      From Mrs Chan

  4. Hi Mrs Chan
    I have been doing lots of work this week. I Really enjoyed the wakey wakey story and drawing my favourite breakfast. Have a good weekend 🌈

    1. Hi Safia,
      I am glad you enjoyed the ‘wakey, wakey’ story, I thought it was a good story too. It’s good to hear you’ve been working hard, you can now relax and have a fun weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  5. Hi Mrs Chan

    We found a little forest near our house, we call it the fairy forest as we think the fairies live there. So we have been going a walk there every day and I’ve been learning to climb the trees, I can climb really high.
    Love Felicity 🧚‍♀️ 🌳🍄🌈

    1. Hi Felicity,
      Finding a little forest with fairies sounds very exciting – do you have to keep very quiet to see them? I am very impressed that you can climb trees. Have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  6. Hi Mrs Chan and everyone,

    Did you know I have the same books as Stephanie ? I have been enjoying these too. I also helped make pancakes, with my Auntie, on zoom. I’m also enjoying playing with all my Lego too – we made a restaurant yesterday.

    I want to have a celebration with all of you after the virus.


    I have a joke: what do baby dogs eat at the cinema?


    1. Hi Una,
      It seems a few of us have been enjoying pancakes this week – What did you have on yours? Its great to hear you’ve been enjoying reading lots of books and the lego restaurant sounds amazing.
      I love the joke – I will be sharing it with my children. Have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  7. Hi Mrs Chan,
    I have been playing in my garden with water and pipes and seeing how different things flow down the water 💦. I’ve also played with my train tracks 🚂 and am learning to balance on wood planks. We are also growing tomato plants 🍅 which are quite big now. And we have also had pancakes 🥞 this week – with maple syrup! I cut it in quarters and eat it like pizza. 😁
    David Barr

    1. Hi David,
      Goodness David you have been very busy. The experiments with water and pipes sounds great and I am sure you had a good time. Good luck with the balancing practise it sounds quite tricky. You had pancakes too! We must be a class that just loves eating pancakes.
      From Mrs Chan

  8. Hello Mrs Chan,

    I read a book to my baby brother and then drew a picture of all the animals that were in the story. I have also been doing some maths puzzles. I took my dog on a walk this morning.

    From Juliet

    1. Hi Juliet,
      You sound like you’re being a great big sister by reading to your baby brother. The maths puzzles sound fun too. I hope you’ve been on some nice walks this weekend too.
      From Mrs Chan

  9. Hi Mrs Chan

    Both my 2 front top teeth fell out this week, so I had two visits from the tooth fairy in two nights!
    I’ve been helping my dad out in the garden a lot this week and reading books a lot.

    Love, Christy x

    1. Hi Christy,
      Wow two teeth falling out AND two visits from the tooth fairy, how exiting. I am glad you’ve been enjoying helping in the garden, I used to help my dad too when I was your age. I am trying to read lots too.
      From Mrs Chan

  10. Hi Mrs chan we have been very busy again out on big walks and on our bikes. We read the station mouse last night which we remembered was Mrs Mcgarveys fav book as she told us on world book day. We miss all our friend so much love Olivia and Mia

    1. Hi Olivia and Mia,
      You sound like you are keeping very active and will be super fit. I am glad you are enjoying stories and well done for remembering that the station Mouse was Mrs McGarvey’s favourite.
      From Mrs Chan

  11. Hi Mrs Chan
    This week I have been riding my bike on the bike track, I can almost do all of it now. I also made a rocket that really blasted off.
    Love Elias xx

    1. Hi Elias,
      I really enjoyed the video of you riding your bike on the bike track. The rocket sounds great, well done.
      From Mrs Chan

  12. Hi everyone, I made choc chip cookies last week, they were yummy! Daddy built new decking in the garden and I’ve been playing Floor is Lava with mummy and also Hide and Seek.
    I will send a picture of my new stained glass window design.
    More rainbow colours! 💗🧡💛💚💙💜
    Love Brook 😁

    1. Hi Brook,
      The cookies sound delicious, my daughter made chocolate chip muffins yesterday! I am looking forward to seeing your stained glass window design. Have a great week.
      From Mrs Chan

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