Check -in Station (7)

Hello Everyone

It’s that time of the week again, when I would love to hear that you’re ok and anything that you have been up to.

Looking forward to hearing all your news.

Mrs Chan x     

21 thoughts on “Check -in Station (7)”

  1. Hi Mrs Chan, I hope you have had a good sleep and a good breakfast. I hope you dog is really excited for walkies. I did baking yesterday with my aunty on the computer and made heart shaped scones! Love from Una

    1. Good morning Una,
      You’re up bright and early this morning – I had a great sleep last night (I went to bed before my children!). Heart shaped scones sound delicious, did you have lots of jam on them? Yes my dog was excited to go out this morning, he’s a bit happier because its not quite so hot.
      Hope you have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  2. Hi everyone, I have been reading my new Lego superhero books. I have been playing in the garden lots and dancing on the decking. I have been swinging on my swing lots.
    My caterpillars will be turning into butterflies soon.
    Love Brook 😍

    1. Hi Brook,
      You sound like you’re having a great time in your garden. Watching the caterpillars change into butterflies will be very exciting, try and take some photos – I’d love to see them.
      Have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  3. Hi everyone

    Missing you all! Today I am helping my mum decorate my room, I have chosen a superhero theme.
    We have had lots of fun in the sun and played in the pool everyday.
    I hope everyone has a great weekend
    Love Blake xx

    1. Hi Blake,
      Wow, you’re getting to help decorate your room – that sounds amazing. I am glad you had lots of fun in the sun, lets hope it starts to shine again soon. Hope you have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  4. Hi Ms Chan
    Hope you are well.
    Last weekend I visited my gran and papa in their garden. It was the best day ever. I have also performed a billy goats gruff puppet show for my next door neighbours and today I made a symmetrical butterfly 🦋 I miss everyone xx

    1. Hi Arianna,
      How amazing getting to see your gran and papa, I am sure you were all very happy to see each other. Your neighbours are so lucky to get a puppet show, I am sure you were great. You made a symmetrical butterfly too, you’ve been very busy. I hope you have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan x

  5. Hi Mrs Chan! I’ve had som much fun with my reading and writing tasks this week. I especially liked making my own rhymes, here are two of my favourites….. ‘fleas sit on trees’ and ‘dinosaurs sit on spinosaurs’
    We had fun making up new words!
    Missing everyone lots, Mummy tells me that Primary one is almost over!
    Love Alfie xx

    1. Hi Alfie,
      You’ve made up some super rhymes, well done. Yes Alfie, mummy is right there isn’t much left of Primary one – it’s gone so fast hasn’t it? Soon you will be a big Primary two. Have a great weekend, I hope the sun comes out again.
      From Mrs Chan x

  6. Hi Mrs Chan. I am missing you and all my friends so much! This week my caterpillars turned into butterflies and we let them fly free. When they were coming out one of them landed on my hand!
    Love Elias x

    1. Hi Elias,
      Your butterflies are so beautiful and how amazing to watch them fly away. Maybe you could find out what other butterflies visit your garden. Have a lovely weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  7. Hi Mrs Chan

    This week I’ve been reading a lot of my books. I’ve been doing cartwheels in the garden and helped my mum plant some lavender plants.
    I really miss everyone. Hope you have a good weekend.

    Love Christy x

    1. Hi Christy,
      I love the smell of lavender and bought my mum some lavender plants a few years ago. Yours will smell lovely and the butterflies and bees will really like them too. I am glad you are reading lots of books, I am enjoying some time to read too. Hope you have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  8. Hi Mrs Chan – can we ask you questions on here privately that won’t be published on the check in station / blog?
    Thanks / Fiona

    1. Hi there,
      Yes you can – I have to approve anything before it is published. If you want a reply please provide an email or email Mrs McGarvey and she will forward it to me. Hope all is well with you and your family.
      Mrs Chan

  9. Hi Mrs Chan. I enjoyed the Oi Frog task this week – it is one of my favourite books. I liked making up my own rhymes like bugs sit on mugs. I have been doing maths with my dad and like the top marks games on the iPad once we have done our sums. It was my Grandpas birthday this week and I made a card for him. Today our Tesco shop arrived and I got to eat cheesy wotsits! I miss you and school.

    1. Hi Ethan,
      Oi Frog is a great book and I am glad you enjoyed it – I like your rhyme too. Well done for working hard on your maths. I am sure your Grandpa loved the card you made him, my children’s Grandad always liked the home made cards the most. Lucky you getting to eat cheesy wotsits – yummy!
      I hope you have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  10. Hello!
    I had three BBQs in my garden because it was so sunny. I went for walks and ate bubble gum ice-cream with bubble gum sauce.
    Are you felling well? 😎🎉🏖️
    From Murray

    1. Hi Murray,
      3 BBQs sounds like amazing fun – what is your favourite food on a BBQ? I like toasting marshmallows after all the sausages! That’s an interesting sounding ice cream, I am sure it was delicious. I hope the sun keeps shining and you can continue to have a great time outside. I am keeping well, thank you.
      From Mrs Chan x

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