Check-in Station

Hi everyone,

Following on from Mrs McGarvey’s message on the school app, this is your  weekly ‘Check-in Station’ !

We want to keep in touch with everyone so we are asking each pupil (with parental help!) to post a message on their class blog. You can leave your comment below. Many of you have already been in touch but I’d love to hear from all of you.  You can just say hello or you can tell me how you are and any activities you have been doing.

You can check-in today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) before 3pm.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Mrs Chan  

43 thoughts on “Check-in Station”

  1. Hi Mrs Chan! I have been very busy with my school work and mummy has been giving us fun activities to do too! I really enjoyed writing my poem this week! I’m missing everyone very much! Alfie xx

    1. Hi Alfie,
      It’s great to hear from you. I’m glad you have been you’ve been having fun completing different activities. I am missing everyone too.
      Mrs Chan x

  2. Hi mrs chan. I hope you have a good day. Next year I hope you have a good day with Adam at school (my little brother) and I will be in primary 2. From Joseph x

    1. Hi Joseph, Lovely to hear from you. That’s very exciting news about your little brother coming to school. You’ll be able to tell him all about being in Primary 1.
      From Mrs Chan

  3. Hi Mrs Chan, I have been doing lots of arts and crafts and all my school work.I have also been eating lots of chocolate. I am missing you and all my friends too much. Safia x 🌈

    1. Hi Safia,
      I am glad you have been enjoying lots of arts and crafts. It’s lovely to hear from you. I am missing you all too.
      Mrs Chan x

  4. Hi Mrs Chan, i have looked doing my writing a lot this week. My favourite was drawing the noisy and quiet animals.
    From Elias x

    1. Hi Elias,
      It’s lovely to hear from you and I am glad you’ve been enjoying the writing task. I thought it was a great story.
      From Mrs Chan x

  5. Hi Miss Chan

    Stephanie Smith here. Hope you are well. I have been reading the Oxford reading books with my mum and dad. I have been drawing a picture of the stories. I have practised my sums and common words. I have been keeping my room nice and tidy. I also been doing PE with Joe Wicks. Miss you love Stephenie xx

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      It’s lovely to hear from you. You sound like you have been very busy. I am impressed you are keeping your bedroom tidy, my children could do with doing a bit of tidying! I am missing all the boys and girls too.
      From Mrs Chan

  6. Hello Mrs Chan. I baked cookies and ate them. They were yummy. I like doing the cutting and sticking sheets. I like counting out the money with 1p, 2p and 5p. I also invented new video game characters with my brother. I played with my brother with walkie talkies and did lots of gardening. How are you doing? 👍☺️💙

    1. Hi Murray,
      It’s lovely to hear from you. It sounds like you have been very busy, I am very impressed that you invented a new video game character. I have been walking my dog and baking too. I am missing all the boys and girls.
      From Mrs Chan

  7. “Hello Burnside Primary School friends. I’ve been playing with my cars and reading. I’ve been doing some of the Glasgow Science Centre things like making a flower, learning about bees and making a nebula. I’ve been missing you so much. You can go and look for my teddy and my rainbow in my window. Love, George.”

    1. Hi George,
      You sound like you have been very busy and having lots of fun. It’s lovely to hear from you.
      Mrs Chan

  8. Hi Mrs Chan,
    I’ve been enjoying baking and I’ve been practicing my spelling words and reading. I miss all my friends and my big buddy. I also learned to ride my pedal bike.
    Love from Angus x

    1. Hi Angus,
      It’s lovely to hear what you have been up. There has been lots of baking going on in my house too! Well done for learning to ride your bike, that’s fantastic news.
      From Mrs Chan

  9. David says he misses all his friends and can’t wait to get back to school. He has been camping out in the back garden, helping to bake and cook, and threw a birthday party for his Woody toy.

    1. Hi David,
      It’s lovely to hear about your adventures in your garden and I am sure the birthday party was great fun.
      From Mrs Chan

  10. Hi Mrs Chan
    I have practicing my letters and reading books with my mum. I have been tidying my room and playing in my back garden and riding my scooter in the sun.
    Me and my mummy can’t wait till school starts back.


    1. Hi Jessica,
      You sound like you have been very busy. Riding your scooter in the sun sounds like great fun. I am looking forward to seeing you all back at school too.
      From Mrs Chan

  11. Hi Mrs chan
    I’ve been doing all my school work, playing lots on my trampoline and going out for a ride on my bike every day.
    Missing all my friends love Felicity 🌈❤️🙂

    1. Hi Felicity,
      It sounds like you have been having a great time. I think you’ll be super fit riding your bike every day.
      From Mrs Chan

  12. Hello Mrs Chan and everyone from Room 1! This week I wrote a poem about a flamingo. I also tested some objects in water to see if they would float or sink. I love walking my dog every day. I can’t wait to be in P2.
    From Juliet

    1. Hi Juliet,
      You sound like you have been very busy. I have been walking my dog too, I think we have been very lucky that it has been so sunny.
      From Mrs Chan

  13. Hi Mrs Chan we have been doing our school work,going out for walks and going out on our bikes.
    We miss all our friends Olivia and Mia

  14. Hi Mrs Chan
    We have been doing some school work , going out for walks and helping with the gardening.
    We miss all our friends love Olivia and Mia

    1. Hi Olivia and Mia,
      It’s lovely to hear from you both. I am glad you are well and have been busy working and gardening. I miss all the boys and girls too.
      From Mrs Chan

  15. Hi Mrs Chan, it’s Ethan here. My mummy forgot to check in on Friday but we have been working hard at home on letters and numbers. We play word bingo a lot and write out sentences from the words I have chosen. I like listening to the stories on the BBC teach website and talking about the characters and drawing a picture of them. My mummy will send you photographs of Jack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood. I am also spending lots of time on my pedal bike which I can ride very fast on now! We go for walks as a family and my sister goes on her scooter. I miss all my friends at Burnside.

    1. Hi Ethan,
      It’s lovely to hear from you. You sound like you’ve been super busy and I’m very impressed you’re riding a bike. I like the BBC teach site too, there are so many great things to do. I miss everyone too.
      From Mrs Chan

  16. Hi Mrs Chan! I have been working hard on the blog tasks and enjoying reading new books. I have been playing my daddy’s PlayStation in my free time. I am missing school and my friends. I loved playing in my paddling pool last weekend when it was sunny!

    1. Hi Matthew,
      It’s great to hear from you and it sounds like you’ve been working hard. I wish I had a paddling pool last week, I bet you had a super time.
      From Mrs Chan

  17. Hi everyone. Hope you’re all doing well.
    I have been playing with my toys a lot
    I’ve been doing my school work and having fun video calls with friends. I made a rainbow stained glass window and have been bouncing on the trampoline and making dens.
    I had my birthday in lockdown and missed seeing all my friends, but some of them sang happy birthday from outside. Love from Brook x

    1. Hi Brook,
      It’s lovely to hear from you. I hope you enjoyed your birthday with your family and your friends singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you sounds very special. You sound like you have been very busy and your stained glass window sounds amazing.
      From Mrs Chan

  18. Hi Mrs Chan

    I’ve been busy learning my coins and reading my ladybird books. I’ve got my wigwam tent outside and been going on my hopper ball and scooter. I beat my mum and dad at dominoes last night. I really miss you and all my friends

    Love Christy😀💕

    1. Hi Christy,
      You sound like you have been very busy. I have seen boys and girls with wigwam tents near me and they look like great fun. Well done for beating your mum and dad. I miss all the boys and girls too.
      From Mrs Chan

  19. Hi Mrs Chan. I can’t wait to hear all about your dog again. I’ve been playing lots of board games with my mum and dad. I. loved when it was so sunny, we had a barbecue in the garden and I sunbathed. I had a sleepover with my mum in the living room!
    I’ve been doing some school work too. Love from Una xxxxxxx

    1. Hi Una,
      You sound like you’ve been having great fun, I love the idea of a sleep over. I enjoyed the sunshine too. I took my dog for a walk and he went for a swim in the river! He loves swimming.
      From Mrs Chan

  20. Hi Mrs Chan! I’ve had another busy week but I’m missing the sunshine! I really enjoyed the ‘We are going on a bear hunt’ story. Mummy has been teaching me story maps at home, so it was fun to do my own one. I added lava and mountains to the story! Miss you and every one in room 1! Love Alfie x

    1. Hi Alfie,
      I’m glad you enjoyed ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ it is such a great story but you sound like you’ve made it even better.
      Super work.
      From Mrs Chan x

  21. Hi Mrs Chan and all of my friends, I am missing you all very much. I’ve been keeping busy doing my school work and going out for walks with my dog Lucie. I especially enjoyed the lovely weather as I had a garden tea party with my sister. I’ve also been practicing riding my bike without stabilisers, although I fell off and my tooth fell out too! It was ok though the tooth fairy still came during lockdown 😀

    Hope everyone is keeping safe
    Love Georgie xxx

    1. Hi Georgie,
      It’s lovely to hear from you. You sound like you’ve been having a great time. Well done for riding a bike without stabilisers and I am so glad the tooth fairy was still able to visit you. I am missing all the boys and girls too.
      From Mrs Chan

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