
This week we are learning the phonemes y and z.  The children are very excited to see that their ‘5 finger boards’ are almost filled with all the letters of the alphabet!

The spelling words this week are all quite tricky and they are;




As part of ‘World Book Day’ celebrations on Thursday, I would like each child to bring a favourite book from home to share and enjoy with another child in the class.  It does not need to be a book which they can read, just a story they enjoy.  Please could you write your child’s name on the inside cover of the book, so that any mislaid books can be returned to the correct child!

Also, I would like to create some rainbow collages made from fabric with the class.  If you have any small bits of fabric which could be used please could you send them in with your child.  ( Such as an old t-shirt, pyjamas etc – patterned or plain).

I will update the phoneme lists later this week as I know many have found them very useful.

Many thanks and if you have any questions or concerns please see me at the end of the day or contact the office.

Anthea Chan