
Good morning,

Welcome to our first weekly online learning blog post. I hope you and your family are doing well and looking after yourselves.  Below are the suggested learning activities for this week.  Again, I am aware this is an uncertain time and there may be many reasons why your child is unable to complete suggested learning.  Please do not worry about this and only do what you are able to.  I understand that you will have concerns about continuity of learning for your child.  I would like to reassure you that at this stage in your child’s development, play is still extremely important for learning so above all please ensure your child has lots of time for free play.  It is also very important to continue to encourage good talking and listening skills with your child during your usual daily conversations.  This will ensure they continue to develop and understand a wide range of vocabulary.

Literacy Activities

  • Try to read a story every day this week. This can be a book at home or you can follow the link below to Storyline Online and choose a story from there. Use the prompt cards in the reading booklet issued to discuss the book with your child and support their comprehension of the text.


  • Complete pages 2 and 3 from the phonics booklet. I have included photos of these below for anyone without the home learning pack.


  • Revise phonemes ‘a’ and ‘t’. Please make sure your child can correctly form theses letters.
  • Continue to practise taught common words – see list in home learning pack for the specific words your child needs to practice.


Numeracy and Maths Activities 

  • Money Booklet – Page 269. Please support your child’s understanding of this concept by giving them real coins to work with.

  • Numbers to 20 – Page 17

  • Addition and Subtraction  – Page 91. A number line has been including in the home learning pack.

General Activities 

  • Please continue to support your child’s phonological awareness through the activities mentioned in the tab above.
  • Finger Gym activities to support your child’s fine motor skills can be found in the tab above.

Please do not hesitate to leave a comment if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Chan 🙂

4 thoughts on “23.03.20”

  1. Hi
    Will you be having a telephone appointment to replace the planned parents evening. Can you also please confirm how many hours per day the kids are expected to complete school work?

    1. Hi
      I would probably expect the children to do no more than 2 hours per day of school work. I wouldn’t expect it to be completed in one go either but would be completed in short bursts, broken up with some free play and/or exercise.
      I haven’t been given any information regarding parents evening and what may or may not replace it. Should I receive any information I will pass it on.
      I hope you and you’re family are keeping well.

    1. Hi
      At the moment, with regard to updates on your child’s progress, teachers are awaiting official guidance from South Lanarkshire Council.
      I understand that you would like an update and as soon as I have any information regarding this I will pass it on.
      I hope you and your family are keeping well.

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