
We have now taught all the initial sounds and so over the next two  weeks we  will be assessing the children’s progress.  At this stage the children are expected to read and write their phonemes.  It is also expected that they will be able to use their phonetic knowledge to read and to spell untaught three letter words.  This assessment, along with ongoing assessments, allows us to determine your child’s readiness to move on to learning joined phonemes.

To allow for reinforcement of the phonemes before next week’s assessment, no reading books will be issued for the next two weeks.  Please use this additional time to support your child in consolidating their learning of taught phonemes.

The phoneme tab above has a list of words your child should be able to read and write independently.  The homework tab has a list of activities you may wish to use to consolidate their learning.

Just a reminder that it is’Parent’s Evening’ on Thursday 2nd April.  If you would like an appointment and have not returned the slip please could you send it in.

Also there are still some ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ returns to come back in too.

If you have any questions please catch me at the end of the day or contact the office.  Many thanks for your continued support.

Anthea Chan

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