Homework 9.12.19

It’s Christmas Show Time and also the Primary 1 party (on Friday), so a busy time for us in room 1!

Many thanks if you were able to provide your child with something Christmassy to wear; headband, jumper, a piece of tinsel and feel free to send something in tomorrow.  I will keep them in school until Friday and will then send them home.

We  will also be continuing with our usual Literacy and Numeracy as much as possible too.  Our new phonemes this week are g and l.  The new spelling words are;




I have given out the new spelling words which you can add to the others to keep and practise.  As well as practising the phonemes and words, we are now beginning to write short sentences such as;

He can kick a can.

I am at my desk.

I am in my den.

I sat at my desk.

Please practise writing sentences to help your child use the spelling words and have a go at using their phonemes to create new words.

I have also put a short letter in school bags regarding some tasting we will be doing in science.  This is a copy of the letter:

As part of our Science work we will be exploring and discussing ‘The Senses’. Part of this will involve tasting different foods, such as; salted pretzels, grapefruit, raisins and celery. If you do not wish your child to taste these foods, please contact the office by Wednesday morning.

On Friday for the P1 party the children can come to school dressed for their party or you can take your child home at lunch time to get changed.

During the last week of this term I am hoping that we will be baking some Christmas biscuits.  I will send out a letter with the recipe on and will also post it on the blog later this week.  If your child is unable to eat anything in the recipe please let the office know.

Thank you for your support, especially as it becomes busier and busier.

Mrs Anthea Chan


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