Homework 25.11.19

This week we will be learning the phonemes c, k and ck.  These phonemes have the same sound and the same action!

Our new spelling words are can, we, into.  A new  list will be sent home today to add to your collection.  Please keep practising all the words, reading them and writing them.

We are continuing to make new words with the phonemes learnt so far and the children are becoming more confident with using the phonemes they know.

Library Visits

Those children that had their book bags today will have a library book in their school bag.  They can change it for a new book next Monday.  If your child forgot their book bag today they will get the opportunity to go along next Monday, as long as they have their book bag!  If the book bag is lost and you would like your child to go to the school library then please send in £1 on Monday (preferable in an envelope marked Library book bag) and they will get a new one.

Many thanks.

Anthea Chan

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