Homework 23/09/19

This week we will be working on the phonemes and spelling words below.  We would appreciate your help with reinforcing these at home.  (See above ‘homework’ tab for additional ideas)

Phonemes (Sounds)


Spelling Words


As we are not in school on Friday, this week’s assessment of the phonemes and spelling words will take place on Thursday. If your child finds any of the weeks words and/or phonemes tricky I will place a purple slip in their bag to enable you and your child to continue to practise them.

Also this week I have handed out a sheet with the numbers 1 to 10 on. This is to help your child practise the correct formation of the numbers and should be kept at home and used for reference.

Reading books – Many thanks for your support in returning the books to school each day . The children have been great at remembering to put their book in their trays each morning.


Thank you for ensuring your child brought their reading book to school today.

Please take a look at the above ‘reading tab’ which has lots of informative information about how reading is taught in school, how children learn to read and how you can help your child at home.

Reading should be fun, so try to choose a time in the day when  you and your child are not too tired and can enjoy reading a story together.

Homework 16/09/19

With the start of Active Literacy this week the children will be learning 2 phonemes (introduced on a Monday and a Wednesday), the sound and also the letter formation. They will also learn 3 common words, which they will learn how to recognise and also write.
Additionally, we will also be reading 2 reading books each week.   The first book will be issued on a Monday and will be collected in on Wednesday.  The second book will be issued on Wednesday and collected in on Friday.  Please ensure the book comes to school each day, as your child will use it to complete activities and to practise reading it.

Phonemes (Sounds)




Spelling Words





Please use the homework ‘tab’ at the top of the page for ideas on how to help your child with the phonemes and spelling words.

Should you have any questions or queries,  I am about at the end of the day or contact the office.  Questions can be asked using the blog but please remember it is a public site and also I don’t check it daily!

Homework 9/09/19

Homework this week is a number formation sheet. Encourage your child to trace over the number and then to have a go at writing the number his/herself. This can be completed using a pencil, felt pen etc and can be handed in any day this week.

Also ‘Gardening Club’ starts this week on Thursday for group 1. If your child brought a letter home, it should state which group they are in.

Thank you
A. Chan

Homework 2.09.19

In your child’s bag you will find two scissor control worksheets for homework. Please complete these this week. There is no need to return these to school.

Also, as the weather turns cooler and jackets are required, please could I ask that your child spends some time practising how to zip up their own jacket. Many thanks for your support.

A. Chan