All posts by Mrs Mirner

Home learning 11/05/20

Good Morning everybody,

I hope you all managed to make the most of the lovely weather we’ve been getting. It was our dog, Lottie’s 3rd birthday on Saturday and so we went on a big walk with her to celebrate. Lottie loves lockdown because her humans are always around to play with her and give her loads of cuddles. We are trying to look at the positives of lockdown in our house. Its not always easy  and sometimes I know its hard to be enthusiastic when we miss our friends and family so much. I find that getting up and moving can really help me to feel positive and so the first activity I’ve set for you this week is an active one, involving all the family.  Make up a workout, using the letters of your name. Have some fun and pretend  to be Jo Wicks –  get the whole family involved.  Look at the video link below to find which exercise goes with each letter of your name.

Studyladder & Easi-maths

I am absolutely delighted that so many of you have accessed these programmes. Did you know that you can change the appearance of your avatar, as well as buy things for your studyladder room using coins that you earn for completing tasks? I have added more activities for you to complete. Try to do a little every day on study ladder and at least 3 20 minute sessions per week on easi-maths.


As always, look at the tabs for new spelling words. Pencils & Rubbers: this is a revision week for you, so practise the words already there. Use the active spelling strategies for 15 minutes each day and then have someone test you on Friday to assess your progress.

Talk for Writing have produced excellent home learning resources. This week I’d like you to work through the following:


  • Use the DK 10 minutes a day app to practise the times tables of your choice.
  • Here are some ideas for practical maths activities. Rather than visiting a shop with an adult, why not set up a shop in your house with household items. You are the shop keeper, so you are in charge of giving items prices and calculate the change given. cfe-n-322-first-level-amazing-maths-day-cfe-homework-grid_ver_1(1)

Under the Sea

How did you get on discovering the different Oceanic Zones? Arran really enjoyed making an Ocean in a jar. This week our topic learning is to tune into Maddie Moate’s youtube channel every day at 11am. She’s doing a whole week of programmes about oceans!  It’s been reccommended by Nuria and her grown-ups – thank you!! I’m sure we will all learn lots. Maddie Moate is a new discovery for me and her programmes look really good.

Don’t forget to email  me with any photos of your learning at

Take care and stay safe everybody,

Mrs Mirner : )


Good morning everybody,

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful sunshine yesterday! I have checked Easi-maths and for some reason some of the triangles did not have their level recorded. It must not have saved correctly. I have fixed the problem now and you should all have activities. The way it works is that Easi-maths starts you at the level I have set  for you and it assesses you as you go along making the questions easier or more challenging depending on how you are getting on.

Have a go and as always, let me know if you have any problems.

Enjoy the long weekend Room 6,

Mrs Mirner

Home learning 04/05/20

Good Morning boys, girls and grown-ups,

First of all I want to reiterate that Mrs Graham and I are thinking of you all and really miss being in school with all your cheery wee faces! Everything I post here is to simply keep you going during this difficult time. We know that some families may not be able to complete these activities because we know that many of your grown ups are very busy working. We also know that some families are relying on some help from school to keep you all busy, so we are sharing some ideas here. When  you come back to school we will pick up where we left off and nobody will have been left behind. The main thing is that you are safe, happy and healthy. If your grown up wants you to do some of these jobs then you must do them, just as you would in the classroom.   If you can manage to do some yourself then that’s fantastic! If you don’t get a chance for one reason or another then that’s also ok. Please do keep in touch with us, even if its just a wee “hello”.

Mrs Mirner : )


I’m very impressed with all those of you who have been working on studyladder this week! I can see you’re making super progress.  I have added more tasks to it for you to complete this week. Keep up the hard work!

If you need a login, please email me on

BBC Bitesize

BBC bitesize have now begun showing daily lessons. We are “year 2” because its based on English schools which work differently. Its a super resource, with a good variety of subjects. If you’re on a tablet and feeling a little bored then this will help keep your brain active. I’ve included some more info here:

Here is this week’s schedule:


  • Using your glow account, click on the RM easi-maths tile. I have updated your levels on this – its a useful programme which has lots of maths activities. It needs Flash Player to work, so is best on a laptop rather than a phone/tablet. I understand that this may not be possible for everyone, but it’s another option for those who have access. You should aim for 3 sessions of about 15-20 minutes per week, but feel free to do more.
  • If you have a printer, then there is a fantastic resource produced by Foster & Partners It allows you to design and build your very own city using paper. I’d absolutely love to see some cities designed by room 6. I’m sure there are some budding architects amongst you. Email me with photos of your cities, make sure you aren’t in the photos though as I’d love to share them.
  • Keep practising your tables and learn-its . Use the app DK 10 minutes a day – its free, and very useful.
  •  Triangles and Squares – please complete the following sheets (If you don’t have a printer, just do it on paper ) : ordering 3d numbers        times tables sheet
  • Circles – please complete the following sheets (if you don’t have a printer just do it on paper) ordering 2d numbers      repeated addition


  • Choose another book from Oxford Owl tile in Glow and practise reading it every day. If you go to the E- library you can choose a book from your book bank level. ( Your book bands are as follows: Rowlings: Gold, Dahls: Purple, Kinneys: Blue.) Using the information you find in your book, design a new front cover for the book you read. Summarise the book by drawing a picture for the beginning, the middle and end with a sentence or 2 to explain the main points.
  •  Each day, practise your new spelling words using the active spelling strategies of your choice. On Friday, ask a grown up or sibling to test your progress.
  • Did you find a new word last week? This week start your own dictionary of new words. Add one or 2 this week and every week try to add more. You’ll have really interesting dictionaries by the end of term! (There will probably be words you don’t know in your reading book on Oxford Owl)


I hope you enjoyed learning about the 5 Oceans of the world last week. This week we are thinking about the different layers of the ocean, often called oceanic zones. I have included some reading and questions about this. You’ll see that it appears 3 times. 1 star at the bottom is the least difficult with 3 stars being the most difficult. Ill let you decide which one you’d like to do. under the sea layers comprehension

Sometimes you’ll read that there are 5 zones in the ocean, and sometimes they may say 3. It depends on how much detail they are giving.

There are lots of great video clips to watch on Youtube about the layers of the Ocean.  Have a look, I have included one link, but you’ll find lots. Make sure you have your grown-ups permission to watch YouTube. I always like to be beside Arran when he’s exploring this website!


This is a good idea for an Ocean in a jar! I know that you probably don’t have 3 different shades of blue paper, so you could use crayons or pencils to colour it instead. We have to use our imaginations a little in these strange times!

For Fun

  • Make a quiz for your family to take part in. You could do a few questions each on different topics such as books, films, general knowledge, music, and under the sea. You could make it true or false, or multiple choice answers a, b, c or d. Let your imagination run wild! Use books or google to help you.
  •  Make a prize for the winner of your quiz.  Arran baked biscuits this week as his prize and Ena made a certificate.





Update to spelling words to include common words.

Good Morning boys, girls and grown ups,

I’ve just realised that I didn’t include your common words when I was adding your new spelling words to the tabs above. I’m doing this now and they will be on properly by 9.30!

I’m also just about to go through all my emails and send everyone who has requested a studyladder password. Thanks to all of you who have replied already. I’m very proud of you all your enthusiasm for this : )

Home Learning 27/4/20

Good Morning boys, girls and grown ups!

I hope you have all been enjoying the sunny weather as much as possible  and are all keeping well. We’ve been really busy this weekend camping in our back garden for Arran’s Beavers camp.  Are some of you in the Beavers? We have been kept busy with all the activities they provide and its great fun. You can work towards activity badges of all kinds. Arran is working on 3 at the moment: gardening, reading and creative. Even if you’re not a member, Its a great way to learn new skills and there is something for everyone. Maybe the grown-ups could give you an award when you complete all the activities for a badge. If you’re not in the Beavers you can still access all the ideas on their website:,18

I will update the blog every Monday with all your weekly activities. Mrs Graham and I will always be available for you if you have any questions or just want to say hello.

I have been very busy setting you all up with Study Ladder accounts. This will be a very useful resource whilst we aren’t at school as I am able to set tasks for each group. It would be amazing if you really engaged with this if you have access to a device! I have log in details for each of you and would like you to email me, and I will reply with your log in details. My email address is:

I have set tasks for you to complete each week. Studyladder allow you to do 3 tasks for free each day, so it’s better to access it every day if you can. I have set literacy, numeracy and spelling tasks. The spelling tasks are directly linked to this weeks NEW sound. I have set different tasks for each maths, reading and spelling group.  I hope that you find it really useful and fun too.

As mentioned above, Mrs Graham and I are setting you new spelling words and will post these on a Monday. Use active spelling strategies every day to practise your new words, and if your grown up has time, maybe they could test you on a Friday? You will find your spelling words in the menu drop down box the top of the page. You’ll also find some active spelling activities if you click on menu and select the option. You should do this for about 15 minutes each day. (this will appear as a tab on some devices and menu on others)

As well as the study-ladder activities and spelling, in the coming weeks I will provide some ideas to keep you busy and active each day. I will break these down into literacy, numeracy,  topic and “for fun”. As always, please don’t feel any pressure in doing these! Mrs Graham and I want you all to be happy and healthy and that’s the main thing for us. Choose from some of the activities listed below. And please keep in touch!

Mrs Mirner xxx

Literacy Activities


  • Write a book review book review  (Kinneys and Dahls)
  • Rowlings book review
  • Practise your handwriting – If you have finished your booklet you could copy a short poem onto paper in your neatest writing
  •  Access Oxford Owl tile  and read a book of your choice.
  • Find a new word that you didn’t know, and find out what it means. you could look up a dictionary, or an online dictionary. Try to use your new word in a sentence! You could write 2 sentences down using your new word.


  • Search your house for2d and  3D shapes that you recognise. See if you can remember their names.
  • Draw  or make 2d or 3D shape picture/sculpture using the shapes you can find.
  • download DK 10 minutes / day app to practise your times tables each day. (this is fab, we do it in our house daily)
  • Practise your learn it’s! (You’ll find them in the menu at the top)


Our topic this term is Under the Sea.

  • Have a look at a globe if you have one and see if you can find the 5 Oceans of the world
  • Watch this slide show about the Oceans of the world: t-tp-5976-oceans-of-the-world-facts-powerpoint_ver_1
  • Download this worksheet and complete where in the world the Oceans are. If you don’t have a printer don’t worry! You could draw a picture showing the Oceans.OCEANS MAP

For Fun








Good morning room 6,

Alongside Easter, French children follow April Fools’ Day traditions in Spring. On 1st April, people use paper fish to play an April Fools trick. This involves sticking a paper fish onto the back of as many adults as possible, and then running away yelling “Poisson d’Avril !” (April Fish!). Yes you better check your back if you happen to be in France on that day! Did anyone play a prank this Wednesday?

I’d like you to practise some French vocabulary today – see if you can count to 10 and either print off the memory game I’ve added or make your own. You can play snap with it, or matching pairs. You can practise reading and writing the numbers and test yourselves on the spelling.  To extend your learning, count past 10 all the way to 20 – I’ve included a word mat for you to help with this. You can extend your matching game to include numbers to 20 as well. See the song below to help you with pronunciation.

The capital city of France is Paris. I’d like you to find 5 interesting facts about Paris.

One of the most famous structures in the world is the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Can you build your own Eiffel Tower? Or make a detailed drawing of it? Can you draw the French flag? Maybe you could make your own Poisson d’avril and see if you can sneak it onto someone in your family’s back.

Enjoy your French themed day room 6 and please share your learning with us!

Mrs Mirner 😊


Test run


Good morning room 6,

I hope you can help me out by letting me know if you can access the worksheet I’ve added above? Maybe some of you have access to a printer, which is great, but if you don’t then don’t worry – you can look at any jobs I put on here and complete them on paper.

Rowlings  and Ros, do you still have George’s Marvellous Medicine and Charlotte’s Web?

Choose 2 characters and design a character profile for each. This should include a detailed drawing of the character, information like age, gender, likes/dislikes and some adjectives to describe them. Remember to include details of their personality as well as appearance. Use your scanning skills to find all the information you need.

Kinneys and Dahls, I know you don’t have  school readers at home, so choose a character from a favourite story to do the same.

This job can be completed using the worksheet – but could be even better if you design your own!

Below is a link to Jumpstart Johnny – if you’re feeling energetic!! He’s doing daily exercises live!

To keep practising your spelling, look at the tablet friendly phonics bloom website for some fun games.

I look forward to hearing if you can access the worksheet! Keep smiling room 6!

Mrs Mirner 😊




Hello boys and girls,

This is the first day of me being your Thursday and Friday teacher so I thought I’d send you a message to say hi and introduce myself to all the parents and carers who don’t already know me.

I hope you’re all keeping well and keeping busy too! We have been really enjoying going “rainbow spotting” to see how many rainbows we can see in all the boys’ and girl’s windows. Yesterday we counted 35! See how many you can spot and don’t forget to display yours too.

Each week, i’ll update this site with some ideas to keep your brain and body working. Parents and carers, I appreciate that this is a very demanding time for many who are working from home – please don’t worry about completing every activity – these are ideas to help and hopefully the boys and girls will be able to do lots on their own.

Keep reading!

Choose a story to read – you can find some of your book band colour on the Oxford Owl tile in your glow page. Or you can read one from your book shelf.

Draw 3 pictures showing the beginning, middle and end of the story and write a sentence or two for each.

Be a word detective! List all the 4 letter/ 5 letter and 6 letter words you can find in your book.

Help your grown ups to make lunch/ dinner or bake something. Then you could write the ingredients and instructions down using sequencing words like first, then, next, finally. 

Lego challenge: Pretend you were hired by an amusement park to create a new rollercoaster.

Have a look on Topmarks for some fab tablet friendly maths games.

Cosmic yoga on YouTube has some great yoga sessions that the whole family can get involved in. We did Moana yoga on Monday because Moana is my hero! Mr Mirner needs a bit of practise!

I hope these ideas  help to keep you busy and that you enjoy them too!

Mrs Mirner 😊