Hello boys and girls,

This is the first day of me being your Thursday and Friday teacher so I thought I’d send you a message to say hi and introduce myself to all the parents and carers who don’t already know me.

I hope you’re all keeping well and keeping busy too! We have been really enjoying going “rainbow spotting” to see how many rainbows we can see in all the boys’ and girl’s windows. Yesterday we counted 35! See how many you can spot and don’t forget to display yours too.

Each week, i’ll update this site with some ideas to keep your brain and body working. Parents and carers, I appreciate that this is a very demanding time for many who are working from home – please don’t worry about completing every activity – these are ideas to help and hopefully the boys and girls will be able to do lots on their own.

Keep reading!

Choose a story to read – you can find some of your book band colour on the Oxford Owl tile in your glow page. Or you can read one from your book shelf.

Draw 3 pictures showing the beginning, middle and end of the story and write a sentence or two for each.

Be a word detective! List all the 4 letter/ 5 letter and 6 letter words you can find in your book.

Help your grown ups to make lunch/ dinner or bake something. Then you could write the ingredients and instructions down using sequencing words like first, then, next, finally. 

Lego challenge: Pretend you were hired by an amusement park to create a new rollercoaster.

Have a look on Topmarks for some fab tablet friendly maths games.

Cosmic yoga on YouTube has some great yoga sessions that the whole family can get involved in. We did Moana yoga on Monday because Moana is my hero! Mr Mirner needs a bit of practise!

I hope these ideas  help to keep you busy and that you enjoy them too!

Mrs Mirner 😊

11 thoughts on “

  1. Thank you, Mrs Mirner. We did Star Wars Cosmic Kids yoga yesterday and loved it. Thank you and Mrs Graham for keeping in touch. Welcome to Room 6!

    1. Oh, how was the Star wars Cosmic Kids Yoga?
      Sounds fun!
      Mr Miller 🙂

      Dear parent/carers,

      I hope you are all well and managing to keep yourself and your family busy in this very surreal time.

      Thank You Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner for your learning activities. Boys and girls, please drop us a comment to let us know how you are getting on.

      Take care, miss you all very much, hope to see you all soon!
      Mr. Miller 🙂

  2. Hello Mrs Mirner! Thanks so much for these suggestions for things to do. We really appreciate all you and Mrs Graham are doing!
    We’ve had a great time going rainbow spring too – we counted 81 in an hour this morning!
    Alfie is missing everyone but has been enjoying sending his friends emails via Glow.
    Take care and I hope Arran and Ena are enjoying having their very own personal teacher.

  3. Hello! Just a quick question….we were looking at the Oxford Owl e-library and it was promoting us to use a class login to be able to see the books. Am I doing something wrong or is this something you can give us please?

    1. Hi Fiona
      Wow! 81 in an hour??!! You must be speed walking 😊
      I’ve had a look and to access the free e library you click on “for home” then you just register for free with them to read any book. As well as searching for books by age, you can also click the drop down level and search by book band colour.
      If Alfie wants to summarise a chapter of a book, with pictures of the beginning middle and end , rather than a whole book then that’s also valuable.
      I hope this makes sense and let me know how you get on.
      Mrs Mirner 😊

      1. Thanks Mrs Mirner! I’ll have another look and see if we can get it sorted….my head is slowly turning to mush so I’m not holding out too much hope. We’ve got plenty books at home but we were having one of those days where nothing is quite right or good enough 🙄. Thanks

          1. I’ve had a look, I know they have been reading George’s Marvellous Medicine which isn’t book banded. For Alfie’s group I would start by looking at the books on the Gold band and see how he get’s on.
            I’m working on some reading activities based on George’s Marvellous Medicine too which I will post soon.
            Let me know how you get on with the Gold band books!

    1. Hi Ava,
      Wow I’m impressed! I do a weekly update on Monday morning for the week, am working on it at the moment so check back again on Monday please. Could you please ask mum to email me on gw16mirnererica@glow.sch.uk and I’ll send your studyladder login details. Thank you Ava, and well done on all your effort!
      Mrs Mirner

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