Week Beginning 26.5.20

Hi everyone,

Find below all of this weeks tasks.

Please keep in regular contact with us sharing your learning. We will post a selection of pieces we receive. Keep messaging each week to let us know you are accessing your learning online either by using the  Check in on the blog or by email. The check in post will now be active at the beginning of the week  to allow you longer to comment.

This weeks suggested tasks are below, remember your  tasks will be allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There is also a new  activity grid which will run for 4 weeks (we are now on week  1 of this). In it there are additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.

You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too. Each page has allocated actvities on them or you can play general games. We have been checking in on progress and can see how you are doing.


Bananas: oy and oi

employ, enjoying, employment, destroy, destroyed, disappointment, toilet, pointed, disjointed, moist

Task 1:  Speed writing- how many times can you write each of your words in 30 seconds

Task 2: Spelling tennis

Task 3.Write the dictionary definition for 5 of your words


 Oranges: Revision of  ff and oa

boat, foal, coat, road, float, loan, off, cliff, cuff, stiff, different

Task 1:  Say, Make, Break, Read, Write your words.

Task 2: Rainbow write each word

Task 3: can you write your words out on pieces of paper, get someone to hide them around the house and you try to find them



 Writing task- All Groups

Write about your favourite toy. What is it you really like about it?

Choose one of the templates on the file below to complete your task.

Toy fact file


Reading- Every group should read for at least 15 minutes each day. 


Rainforest Tribes 3


Rainforest Tribes 2

Unicorns 1 and 2

Rainforest Tribes 1



TrianglesPractise Learn Its:  8 times table

Time game triangles

Ordering 4 digit numbers

Converting time

Circles:  Practise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables

Circles – emoji addition, digital time worksheet, time game

Time game

Digital time

Emoji addition

Health and Well being

We thought this would be a good way to track how your are feeling. Print out the Feelings cloud and each day colour a raindrop to correspond with how you are feeling on the chart. Once you have completed it, take a picture of it and send it to us.



Below are some activities to continue to keep you active.  Keep challenging yourselves to stay active. Healthy body- healthy mind!

Art- Tribal Art

In the Amazon Rainforest there are several tribes. They traditionally decorate their faces and bodies with natural dyes and paints. Each decoration is significant to their tribe and their traditions.

Try and draw a pencil sketch of an Amazonian Tribal person. Think about the shape of their face, position of eyes, nose and mouth. Do they have decorative face paintings? Are they wearing jewellery? How is their hair styled? Think about using shading to create light and dark areas.

Top tip: Sketch lightly first in-case you need to adjust your drawing.


658 Best amazon images | Amazon rainforest, People of the world ...


Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests

Task 1: Look at the following fact cards

Relying on the Rainforest Fact Cards

Relying on the Rainforest Fact Cards 2

Task 2: Watch the following clip about things we get from the Rainforest


Task 3: Make a list of all the things you have in your house that might come from the Rainforest


Read the following book- It is found if you type ‘Rainforests’ in the search bar section.



4 Weekly Activity grid:  NEW 4 WEEK GRID ADDED

Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them.



“Star Workers”

Can you see your work on the Star Workers board. If you would like to be in next weeks board send us some pictures of your work. 2 pages of star workers this week!


“In the Class News”

Remember to check in with us each week and let us see some of your work. You can either comment on this blog post or if you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,



or photos can be sent to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.

Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.

Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Rhicard  and Mrs Steele

Week Beginning 18.5.20

Hi everyone,

Please find below this weeks tasks.

This Friday is a holiday (22nd) as is next Monday (25th) so we will see you back here on Tuesday 26th for that weeks tasks.

We have set up a new area at the bottom of the blog to showcase some of the wonderful work we have been sent, “Star Workers” and a “News” section which includes some pics of things you have sent us (not including children as this is a public blog).

Please keep in regular contact with us sharing your learning. We will post a selection of pieces we receive. Keep messaging each week to let us know you are accessing your learning online either by using the  Check in on the blog or by email. The check in post will now be active at the beginning of the week  to allow you longer to comment.

This weeks suggested tasks are below, remember your  tasks will be allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There is also a new  activity grid which will run for 4 weeks (we are now on week  1 of this). In it there are additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.

You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too. Each page has allocated actvities on them or you can play general games. We have been checking in on progress and can see how you are doing.


Bananas: oy and oi

boy, enjoy, annoy, employment, destroy, soil, pointed, choice, voice, noise

Task 1:  Make lists of oy and oi words

Task 2:Rainbow write each of the core words

Task 3.Choose 3 words from core word list and write each in a detailed sentence.


 Oranges: Revision of  ch and ll

chop, chin, chip, church, much, such, chest, well, spill, dull, drill, allow, shallow

Task 1:  Say, Make, Break, Read, Write your words.

Task 2: Write each word in a sentence

Task 3: Can you make a word search to include all of your spelling words



 Writing task- All Groups

The letters we received last week were lovely and we are sure the care home residents who receive them will have such joy reading them. There is still time to submit these if you haven’t already done so.


Have you done any baking or helped to make soup or another meal? Write up a recipe that you have done or helped with during lockdown. We will choose some to add to the blog so that your friends can try and make it too! Attached is a template if you need one.



Reading- Every group should read for at least 15 minutes each day. 


KC3 unit 26


KC 2 unit 19

Unicorns 1

KC1 unit 23

Unicorns 2

KC Starter unit 9


Dragons, Centaurs and Unicorns 1

PG1 Progress

Unicorns 2

PG intro Progress



TrianglesPractise Learn Its:  8 times table

24 hour worksheet 1

24 hour worksheet 2

expanded form numbers

multiplying by 1000


Circles:  Practise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables

half past worksheet

number bonds

2 digit addition



Chilli Challenge

Which level will you choose?






Health and Well being

As we had planned to start a ‘kindness club’ we are going to do it via the blog! Here are some acts of kindness cards. Make a note or take a picture of any you manage to do and send to Mrs Steele. Lets try and encourage as many people as possible to show kindness, it’s needed now more than ever!

Acts of Kindness


Below are some activities to continue to keep you active.  Keep challenging yourselves to stay active. Healthy body- healthy mind!



Art- Hot Air Balloons

Draw around a circle the size of small side plate . Cut long thin strips of coloured paper. Fold in each end of the paper strip by about 1-2 cm so it reaches across the circle and creates an arch shape, glue the ends in place. Continue until the whole circle is covered.HOT 3 Draw on strings and a basket. Can you draw yourself inside the basket. Where would your Hot Air Balloon take you?



Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests

Write about your favourite rain forest animal. You can use the fact cards to help or use your own research.

Task 1: Watch the following Rainforest video 


Task 2:  Read the Fact Cards

Rainforest Animal Fact Cards

Task 3: Decide on your own Rainforest Animal and write a fact file for it. 

Rainforest Animals Fact Worksheet

Share your factfile with us by email. It might appear on next weeks ‘Star Workers’

Task 4: Following on from last weeks tasks, here is a game to try. 

Food Chain Game

Food Chain Game Answers

Read the following books- They are both fround in the animal section. They might help you with some of your research for Task 1.




4 Weekly Activity grid:  NEW 4 WEEK GRID ADDED

Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them.



“Star Workers”

Well done to those who have work on our first Star Worker’s board. Can you see you tasks?   We love to see what you have been doing so remember to email us your pictures. We can only post images of work and not of children but we still like to see your faces in the emails too. We are missing you all so much.


“In the Class News”


Remember to check in with us each week and let us see some of your work. You can either comment on this blog post or if you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,



or photos can be sent to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.

Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.

Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Rhicard  and Mrs Steele


Hi everyone, just a reminder to email us over your lovely care home letters.  We have received some super ones so far.  Also please check in with us every week.

If you have any other pieces of work you are pleased with, let us see them. We will choose a small selection each week to share with the class in a new ‘ Star Workers’ section.



Week beginning 11.5.20

Hello Everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed engaging with last weeks tasks and enjoyed your extra few days off.  We  have received some lovely emails. We are missing you all and love to hear about what you have been up to. It’s been so good the weather has been nice to allow us to enjoy the  sunshine.

Please keep in regular contact with us sharing your learning. We will post a selection of pieces we receive. Keep messaging each week to let us know you are accessing your learning online either by using the  Check in on the blog or by email. The check in post will now be active on a Monday  to allow you all week to comment.

This weeks suggested tasks are below, remember your  tasks will be allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There is also the activity grid which will run for 4 weeks (we are now on week 2 of this). In it there are additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.

You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too. Each page has allocated actvities on them or you can play general games.


Bananas: rule words: give, giving, take. taking, make, making. dance, dancing, flame, flaming, charge, charging

Task 1. Make a mnemonic for  two words. (A mnemonic is a way of remembering the letter patterns in a word in a fun way- sometimes linked to the meaning of the word.)

Task 2: Write a few sentences using as many of your words as possible.

Task 3. Can you make a chalk hop scotch with your words instead of numbers.

 Oranges: Revision of  ss and kn

mess, lesson, class, dress, less, moss, kiss, knock, know, knee, knight, kneel, knew

Task 1:  Say, Make, Break, Read, Write your words.

Task 2: Speed spelling. How many times can you write each word in 30 seconds.

Task 3: Can you make a chalk hop scotch with your words instead of numbers.



 Writing task- All Groups

As residents in care homes are not allowed any visitors at the moment, we thought it would be a nice idea to write a letter to them to try and cheer them up and brighten their day! You might want to tell the person who will receive the letter  a bit about yourself and what you have been doing during this lockdown to keep busy. You could tell them about your family and friends and even what you are most looking forward to do after this lockdown is over.

We are hopefully going to email these letters to a local care home to share with their residents. We would prefer you to type your letter and practise your computer skills and email it to us, If you cant type it, just write it and send a picture of it to us.


Reading- Every group should read for at least 15 minutes each day. 

Dragons and Centaurs

Birds in the Garden 3

Unicorns 1

Birds in the Garden 2

Unicorns 2

Birds in the Garden 1


Dragons, Centaurs and Unicorns 1

PG1 Unit 15

Unicorns 2

PG Intro Unit 11


TrianglesPractise Learn Its:  8 times table

H4 E2

TJ 1b Pg 27

TJ 1b Pg 45


Circles:  Practise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables

Addition TJ 1a Pg 49

H3 E4

Time TJ 1a pg 45



Countdown Challenge

How quickly can you reach the target using only the numbers given.


Health and Well being

Think about what “lifts you up”, for example, baking a cake, playing with your pet or painting a picture. Write some examples on the clouds. Also think about what “brings you down”, for example, missing your friends. Write these on the weights at the bottom.

Balloon activity


Below are some activities to continue to keep you active.  Challenge yourself to get a better score each time.



Art- Funky Paper Art

Cut up coloured paper into shapes, long , thin, short, triangular, circular, square. Experiment in how to make a piece of abstract art which is 3 dimensional folding, curling, bending and sticking.


Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests

Following on from last weeks Food chain activities  we would like to ecplre thi sin more detail.

Food chains follow the transfer of energy from one consumer to the next. Read the following information sheet

Task 1: Food Chain Info Sheet

                Food Chain Sheet 1

                Food Chain Sheet 2

Task 2: Food chain worksheet

Task 3: Visit the site   https://readon.myon.co.uk/library/browse.html    

Read the following book if you haven’t already read it. It’s found in animals, then other animals, then scroll down.



4 Weekly Activity grid:  

Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them. There will be a new grid next week.



Remember to check in with us each week and let us see some of your work. You can either comment on this blog post or if you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,



or photos can be sent to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.

Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.

Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Rhicard  and Mrs Steele

Week Beginning 4.5.20

Hello Everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed engaging with last weeks tasks. We received some great emails. We are missing you all and love to hear about what you have been up to.

Please keep in regular contact with us sharing your learning and messaging to let us know you are accessing your learning online. Check in each week on the blog or by email.

This weeks suggested tasks are below, remember your  tasks will be allocated to your working groups and some for everyone to complete. Please check you complete the tasks only for your groups. There is also the activity grid which will run for 4 weeks (we are now on week 2 of this). In it there are additional suggested activities which you can choose to do.

You can also go online to Sumdog and Study ladder to complete activities too as all activities have been now been added to groups.


Bananas: common words: counting, idea, liked, mile, music, river, running, speechless, twelve, thirteen, money, interesting

Task 1. Choose 3 words and write a sentence for each

Task 2: Spelling tennis with a partner

Task 3. Rainbow write each of your words out three times

Oranges: Revision of  ow and ou

low, grow, throw, follow, shallow, show, owl, brown, growl, now, crown, allow,

count, house, round, outside, sound, mouse

Task 1. Say, Make, Break, Write, Read   (If you don’t have magnetic letters skip the                                     make/ break stage)

Task 2. Spelling tennis with a partner

Task 3: Choose 3 words and write a sentence for each.



 Writing task- All Groups

Using last weeks Spring hunt and Spring walk writing tasks as your planning, this week you have to write a Spring Senses poem. You can use the layout below to help you or write your own, maybe in the shape of something you would find in Spring e.g. a flower or a chick?

Sensory poem


Reading- Every group should read for at least 15 minutes each day. 

Dragons and Centaurs

Beach Habitat 3 Reading

Unicorns 1

Beach Habitats 2 Reading

Unicorns 2

Beach Habitat 1 Reading

Polar Bear – Fascinating Facts Activity Card



Triangles: Practise Learn Its:  8 times table

Triangles rounding decimals worksheet

Triangles 2d x 1d worksheet

Triangles place value riddle cards



CirclesPractise Learn Its: 2, 5 and 10 Times tables

Circles 2d-1d

Circles subtraction worksheet 2d-2d

Circles subtraction word problems


Chilli Challenge

Try this weeks challenges. What level of heat will you choose?

Mild 2

Spicy 2

Hot 2


Health and Well being

Looking after our well being is so important especially at this unusual time. If you need help with relaxation, try making this calm jar.

Calm Jars Activity Sheet

Below are some activities to continue to keep you active.  Challenge yourself to get a better score each time.




Inter Disciplinary Learning: Topic Rainforests


Task 1: Read the sheet below

Rainforest Layers Info Sheet

Task 2: Create an open the flap sheet.  Use one layer sheet as the background and stick the animals onto the correct layer of the rainforest that they would be found. Cut the lines on the second sheet and attach it only at the left hand side. You should have a lift the flap sheet revealing animals underneath.

Rainforest Layers Animal sheet

Rainforest layer sheet 1

Rainforest layers sheet 2

Task 3: Visit the site   https://readon.myon.co.uk/library/browse.html    

Read the following book. It’s found in animals, then other animals, then scroll down.

Make a note of two food chains. 

For example:  Leaves > Insects> Frog> Snake


Here are a few of last weeks Chatterpix! They were so fun and contained great facts.

Well done to everyone who submitted them.





Poison Dart Frog



4 Weekly Activity grid:  


Additional activities can be found on the following grid. These can be chosen as and when you like. Have fun with them.



Remember to check in with us each week and let us see some of your work. You can either comment on this blog post or if you wish you can email both Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele,



or photos can be sent to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk where photos might be chosen for twitter, include a subject line Room 7 Mrs Rhicard/ Mrs Steele to ensure we see your pictures as this is used by all the classes.

Remember if you send a comment or image to this blog it should not contain information about pupils or images of children as this is a public Blog.

Let us know if there are any questions or you need help with anything.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Rhicard  and Mrs Steele

Check In Station 30.4.20

Hi Everyone,

Here is this weeks check in station.

We hope everyone is enjoying engaging with the tasks we have set. We have had a few chatterpix sent over on email and they have been fab. We will try and upload a few to share next week.

Remember if you don’t want to comment on here you can send us an email to let us know how you are getting on.