Monthly Archives: August 2019


Welcome to Room 7’s Class Blog!

Here you will find weekly information regarding homework tasks which have been set.

Homework is due in on a Friday unless otherwise stated.

We hope everyone has a great year in Primary 4.

Mrs Rhicard and Mrs Steele

Homework Week Beginning: 26th August

Maths:  Colour graphing task.  Pupil’s have to ask around 20 people their favourite colour and complete a bar graph displaying their results.  This task was started in class.

Pupils should practise their 2 and 3 times tables to ensure quick recall of facts.

Reading and Spelling homework will be given in due course.

Letters given home regarding the ‘Drop In’ Sessions for parent’s on Friday.

If your child still has their clear Reading folder which was given out around Easter time could they please bring it back into school as we require these to send Reading books home.