Tag Archives: Seasons


The Spring tide was so high there was no beach!

it was such a lovely day last week that we had an early snack and spent two hours exploring near the school. First of all we went to the Taing beach and discovered there was no beach! The tide was really high. We found lots of stones and had fun throwing them into the sea. We tried different styles of throwing to see which one worked the best.

Throwing stones in the sea
We found a Scaddie Man’s Head (sea urchin)
One of the frog spawn lumps we found
Searching for frog spawn
We found a big lump of frog spawn in the ditch








After the beach we went for a walk in the Stromfirth road to look for frog spawn. We were lucky to find two big lumps. We are looking forward to going back soon to see if there are tadpoles or even frogs!


Broken bits of ice
In a boggy part
The north wind was cold on our hands and faces
Fun on the see-saw
We listened out for the scrunching sound when the ice broke
We broke the ice in the puddles

We went for a play over in Strom Park today. We thought of three different ways to play.

We showed good turn-taking on the see-saw and really enjoyed that.

Others played a chasing game on the ramp to the clubhouse door and the rest of us spent time breaking the ice in in the boggy puddles. We enjoyed listening to the scrunching sound as the ice broke, and noticed how water turns to ice then melts again.

We took great care walking there and chose the safest routes away from icy areas to reach our destination. We realised that the grass was the safest place to walk.  We had to go back to nursery when our hands and noses were freezing cold!