All the children were so excited about coming back to nursery! They had so much fun playing in the sand pit, putting on a puppet show, playing outside and playing in the water tray!
It was so nice to see some new faces too!
All the children were so excited about coming back to nursery! They had so much fun playing in the sand pit, putting on a puppet show, playing outside and playing in the water tray!
It was so nice to see some new faces too!
We had such a good day at Sports Day today. All the children took part and tried so hard. They were all superstars!!
We had craft time outside to use different fine motor skills. The children enjoyed spraying paint over a piece of card for their Father’s Day cards.
The children enjoyed cooling down this afternoon by having a paddle in the pool!
We enjoyed building a den at the polytunnel last week!
We had 7 butterflies to release on Friday! We placed them into the trees and watched as they started to fly away. We have really enjoyed seeing them grow!!
This morning we visited the beach. We had so much fun finding different things at the beach.
The children had taken an interest in flowers this week. We spotted some on our walk!
We took some photos and made a flower book.
The children loved having the parachute out last week that they asked for it again!
They were really enjoying running underneath it and making it spin really fast like a washing machine.
At the end of last year, we planted some peas out in the poly tunnel.
We have been checking on them every week to see how it is growing. We found a pea pod with peas inside. The children were very excited to look inside!