We enjoyed a trip to the beach this morning. We enjoyed collecting sea glass and shells on the beach. The children had some snack outside too. They all sat so nicely at the beach and remembered their manners. 🙂
We enjoyed a trip to the beach this morning. We enjoyed collecting sea glass and shells on the beach. The children had some snack outside too. They all sat so nicely at the beach and remembered their manners. 🙂
What a lovely few mornings we’ve had being able to get outside. We loved the beach on Tuesday and found lots of sea glass to bring back to Nursery. Today we went out to the polytunnel and especially enjoyed jumping in the muddy puddles that were a bit frosty from the ice.
Today we enjoyed doing Valentines Day crafts, learning how to play card games like SNAP!, building boats and little houses from the blocks and playing with the African animals. We got outside for a lovely walk after snack time too.
What a super morning we had at the beach. We found sea glass, shells and some nice stones to take back with us. We had some really good helpers that gathered up all the plastic rubbish and put it in a carrier bag to take with us and put in the bin when we got back to Nursery. We saw a seal and a fish jumping in the water!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all the staff at the Whiteness Nursery x
We had some fun in the multi court today with the scooters and the bikes. The children all done well with sharing and taking turns.
The children received some new toys this week. They have enjoyed playing with the new outdoor blocks and building things and using their imagination.
They also enjoyed using the toys that were gifted from toddlers. The tractor has been a big hit and the children have enjoyed sharing it.
Something really exciting arrived to the nursery this week! The children were so excited to explore it and start to role play in the wendy house!
On Monday, it was the new Primary 1’s Graduation Day. We all went to say goodbye and good luck to our friends. After the Graduation, we got a party snack and had a bubble party.
Everyone did so well!
The children had fun using loose parts and various tools. They made ramps and learning new tool skills.