We got a surprise today when we went out to the poly-tunnel and our mud kitchen was there, it had been moved from the courtyard!
We made a café and had lots of helpers in the kitchen making pots of soup and cups of tea.
We got a surprise today when we went out to the poly-tunnel and our mud kitchen was there, it had been moved from the courtyard!
We made a café and had lots of helpers in the kitchen making pots of soup and cups of tea.
They were all so good at doing the hopscotch! They were counting he numbers that they landed on and were using their balancing skills to hop!
The children enjoy spending time out at the mud kitchen and polycrub area. They enjoy cooking up some soup or ice cream and testing out their throwing and balancing skills with different equipment.
The children enjoyed doing different exercises at nursery today. We were all very keen to show what we could do on the blue mat. Roly polys were a favourite!!
We all done so well at doing the symmetry task sheet today. Everyone tried so hard and enjoyed making the picture complete.
We enjoyed counting using paint and lego bricks. We also made some caterpillars using finger painting and counting the different legs.
We were busy last week making hats for our Christmas concert
We have done lots of practising and on Friday we were ready to film our performance. Everyone looked great in their Christmas jumpers.
We have been learning some nursery rhymes with Mrs Gilfillan.
Nursery rhymes are a great way to help develop your child’s vocabulary and reading skills. If your child has any favourite nursery rhymes they would like to sing in nursery please let us know. You could also ask your child about the rhymes they have been learning in nursery and sing them together at home!